Confinement maze

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Waylander, Apr 4, 2008.

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  1. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Zombie game type and map called Confinement.
    Lots of fun.
    Humans spawn in the middle of the maze with shotguns and several trip mines near by. As they weork through the maze they run acros a flame thrower aswell. Several dead ends and only one way to the end that takes you past the zombie pen.

    Zombies spawn inside a box that is blocked off by a dumpster. After 20 seconds two gravlifts spawn on either side of the dumpster (like porcelain pony when you flush the toilet) releasing the zombies. 50% less gravity for them so they can jump over walls.
    Makes for interesting fighting for the humans still lost in the maze.

    The finish area is a small tunnel set with BR's, pistol and shutguns which do not respawn. Frag and flame grenades do respawn though as well as a deployable cover.

    About a day and a half build time total lining the walls of the maze up by sight alone heh. Will post pics as soon as I figure out how without a capture card.

    Confinement game type
    Confinement map variant.

    Ok, have taken photos and changed a few things on the maps. Had a game where I as a human spawned outside so I've added a two way teleporter to get back in. 2 way o that if someone spawns outside and stays out there they can go and get them. It's up in a box that only the zombies can get to.
    Also turned friendly fire off since when there is more than one zombie at the start they can just kill each other to get out early.
    Also, here are the pics.
    Back corner near fusion coil rack
    Above the Zombie pen.
    Above the safety room.
    opposite the safety room.
    Zombie pen.
    From inside the safety room

    And some more action shots...
    #1 Waylander, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  2. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    This sounds like fun. I'll come back when there's some pictures. By the way, the easiest way for pictures is to take them in theater mode, look at the how to post a map topic.
    EDIT: Here is a link to a guide on easy hi-def pics, if your interested.
    #2 Snipers Stealth, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  3. Geist

    Geist Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interesting,but you should have figured out how to post pictures before posting.
  4. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forge Hub, Waylander.
    • Save the images from to your computer
    • Upload them to Imageshack or Photobucket
    • Use the image link provided to post your pictures on the site using this code: [noparse][​IMG][/noparse]
    Good luck, and remember it is in your interests to provide visual information for your potential consumers.

    Additional comments on lack of pictures will be removed, move on and check back for an update later from the topic author.
  5. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    now all you need to do is put the pics in your first post
  6. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, it's pretty easy to do. Just hit the edit button. Be sure to remove the pictures from the other post. Don't want things to get redundant.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol, ok now that that is sorted, any feedback about the map and gametype?
  8. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG! I love this map, it is very fun and it's very well developed and put together, congrats on your great forging skills. I've seen so many people try to make mazes, but no of them seem to actually be a maze. They always seem like a bunch of easily navigatable hallways, but this map is different. It's polished, well designed, and just plain fun. Good luck with future forging creations.

    Hey If you love infection check this thread out it has a map pack suited just for infection...
    #8 TrueBlue Wolf, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2008
  9. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice looking construction, looks fun for those who enjoy infection. Thanks for getting the pictures up, and hope you're settling in a-ok.
  10. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow that is an amazing maze. confinement seems like a perfect word for that. i have created mazes like that but none so.. maze-like as that. il check it out as soon as i empty my q
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wish I had kept my first one. Was a two story maze with the back hallway used as the transition.
    But the saftey room was defensable, the maze itself was very simple and had bugs with the human caused Zombie release.

    I'm getting used to it Shock. Helps that it's the same forum software as the motorcycle site I'm on so know how to use most things.
    #11 Waylander, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like it would be a sweet infection game as previously mentioned, i also think you did a pretty decent job interlocking & lining the walls up ( as many as there are hehe)
  13. McNab 1

    McNab 1 Ancient
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  14. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have another maze map in the works and will be looking for testers once it's complete.
    This one will work for more than just infection.
  15. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map looks great, looks like alot of fun . looks suspencelfull aswell gj
  16. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember playing this it was interesting to say the least. :)
  17. rynplng

    rynplng Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice ive never seen a maze closed in like this looks neat
  18. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks like a very fun map, I'll download.
  19. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes i like it! it actually looks like a hedge maze. the other good thing is that its not for a puzzle, its infection. i will come back and tell you what i think
  20. E93

    E93 Guest

    The Review Hub

    Map Name: Confinement (Gametype used: Confinement - Infection)
    Author: Waylander
    Reviewed By: E93 (GT: Eduardo Dubs)

    Enjoyment: 4/10
    Very dissapointing map. This wasn't any fun to play in. You could never tell where the zombies were coming from, except that it was somewhere from above, it was hard to walk around in the maze, and I did not enjoy this too much. I'm sorry to say, that people (including me, to be honest) actually wanted the game to end in this map.

    Balance: 2/10
    When I asked people about this, there responses to it were pretty bad. The trip mines make it annoying, really annoying. The gametype that Waylander made for this didn't help much either. No matter what weapon you had, the sombies could always come from nowhere and kill you. And what's up with that armory? Seriously.

    Durability: 0/10
    Waylander, I seriously hope you didn't expect to get actual points in this criteria. Why, oh Why! would you put a teleporter that actually leads you out of the map area, and to an armory? Plus, if the humans wanted, they could just camp outside of the teleporter and murder every single zombie that came by. I'm not trying to be mean, but durability was horrible.

    Aesthetics: 6/10
    This may acutally save your map from complete and utter disaster. The aesthetics were good. I liked the halls and corridors and stuff. The zombie door looked pretty neat too. My only issue with this is that the walls were always too close together, it was hard to walk around and not get confused.

    Originality: 5/10
    You may have started this map before The Peasant Hut, but he beat you to it, so it doesn't get that much for originalty. The opening door thing was the only thing that caught people's attention. That was neat.

    Overall score (Average of the above): 3.4/10
    I don't like being or sounding mean, but this map just didn't do it for me Waylander. I feel that you could actually improve it by making the corridors and halls bigger, and hopefully if you delete that teleporter and armory, but the rest is kind of un-fixable.
    My tip:, come up with something good. I know it takes a while, but once you get a good, original idea, that may help you and your maps a lot.

    I know you're a nice guy Waylander, but I have to be honest.
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