I thought it was good as well. You could make a Girls gone wild spinoff and call in Israeli women gone INSANE
The girls are pretty hawt, lol. And yeah, crazy is a good way to describe everyone here ;D Jumping on buildings? I don't think so...everyone here's got a gun, lol.
Pssshh just because they have guns doesn't mean they are going to shoot you! How about this...make believe you're going to jump from building to building and see what they do. If they aim at you, then don't jump from building to building. Also, while doing this wear something that covers you so they don't know who you are.
Insane you would be happy to know Battlefield 1943 is really fun, especially with the Trittons . Oh and in order for me to get the code Shanon forced me into a 1V1, needles to say I lost three times. Games are Here, here and here if you are interested. I figured out that if you grab the Sniper waste all the ammo you not only make Shanon scream "STOP RAPING MY CHILD" and chase you, it gives you an advantage. Never let him have the Sniper.
"STOP RAPING MY CHILD" I rofl'd so hard it's not true. I completely empathise with him tbh, many of my less Halo obsessed friends have picked up that same tactic when I force them in to 1v1's, although the quicker ones have realised the merit of simply grabbing the sucker then jumping right off the edge. Seeing that sniper disappear over the edge of the map, almost being able to see my opponent smugly waving goodbye with my most prized possession in their hands, makes me very sadface. I actually 1v1'd Shanon recently, needless to say I lost (16-6), and tbh it surprises me that he cornered you in to it, he said he really didn't like 1v1's that much. @ Insane: Ohaithar dude. Glad to hear the internet addiction is being fed if only a little, hope we see you continuing to pop in now and again whilst you're away. Don't let the dudes with guns intimidate you, you're mulge pro and can 4-shot their asses before they've even turned around. Have you found out yet how people react when you enthusiastically instruct them to Do A Barrel Roll? I think it could bring some good times. I have some bad news though, Trittons are off the radar for my encroaching birthday, gotta go with a Cap Card instead. Even more of a pity since my X-1's just well and truly bit the dust, not even all the love and masking tape in the world can save them now. Keep us updated dude, and hope you have a good time, it sounds like a truly awe inspiring place to be.
Cap card really Peg? I regret my cap card a little...Trittons not at all...sooooo much better. BTW, I told a guy to do a barrel roll and he just looked at me funny. :/ and I did better than that guys, srsly?....20-16 in my 1v1 on his orbital map. @Shanon: I'm hopelessly addicted to Jason Mraz now and it's all your fault...
I know what you mean, it could well go that way, but a cap card will really help get mine and Raynne's projects moving forward, and I'm so brimming with montage ideas that it's not even true. Fact is that Trittons aren't really an option right now, things are tighter for my parents atm, and they've been more than generous digging me out of various sticky financial situations through Uni of late, so I don't wana ask too much. Trittons are the thing next on my personal list though, and I should manage to get some off my own back pretty soon. Happyface. Bah, neither of us were going at it properly, and we all know that running and gunning against Shanon, even if he's doing the same, is not the way to get ahead in life . I'd like to think I could make a couple more kills if the 1v1 mentality set in, but I dunno about 20-16, that's a pretty tight game by the sounds of it. What's this 1v1 orbital map? Sounds smecksy.
A sidenote, on youtube there is actually a video of a fat guy pretending to be altair and doing all his moves. He even jumps into haystacks and squeezes ono benches. He made mockups of Splinter cell and dead rising as well. How's this, wear the thing that Muslim women wear? Nobody will know who you are. And when you are walking around, get a piece of chalk and make random marks on walls and stuff. It really pisses off counterintelligence teams.
YouTube - Mega 64 : Assassin's creed Pics or it didn't happen insane. Or better yet, just bring the police report.
Insane if you want I can fly a blimp over you to keep the sun off of you and broadcast an encrypt WiFi signal that only you would have the password to.
Jerusalem. Jewrusalem. Apparently Israelis hate Muslims or something, as they are in a war or dispute or something. Insane, do not. Down, boy.
Again, Muslim. Watch "You don't mess with the Zohan." Israel is a Jew-state, meaning Judaism is their official religion.