Mythic DLC Orbital Small

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Benji, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Weapons List
    Battle Rifle x4
    Assauld Rifle x2
    Sniper Rifle x2 (1 clip, 150 Respawn)
    Brute Shot x2 (0 Clips, 120 Respawn)
    SMG x4
    Frag Grenades x8
    Plasma Grenade x4

    The Gametypes
    Small Team Slayer
    First to 25. Default Gametypes in Doubles​

    One Flag Small
    One flag for small teams. Quicker respawns for both the flag and the players, and the flag is no longer a one hit kill.​

    First to 15. 12 Minute Time Limit.

    The Description
    Orbital Small is a blocked off version of Orbital (Obviously). It is designed for 2-6 players, but is best used with four. It uses the gametypes described. This is an awesome layout made by MS paint.​


    The attackers spawn is located in one of the old bases.
    One picture of it is above. Here is another one.

    The defenders spawn is located above the death pit.

    Defending it is not as easy as you think due to the fact that it is possible to get up the death pit.

    When jumping down the pit, use the box, so you don;t get pushed back up by the grav lift.​

    Another view

    A look down the top hallway

    A look down the old sniper hallway

    Action Shots

    Thanks to all my testers, especially Jorgy, for making my map unbreakable​

    *Constructive Criticism is Welcome*​
  2. DarkFalcon

    DarkFalcon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map itself doesm't look to bad, but I'm not sure how the gameplay would turn out. This map looks like spawn killing could be a huge issue. Other than that, nice map.

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is very cool. I like the idea of a smaller version of orbital. However... I would take off the grav lift and the box by the elevator pit. It doesnt seem like good gameplay but i can be wrong. Just seems like it would be more fun with out that.
  4. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    its a nice layout, but my only problem is that it looks messy. Wouldn't it be easier if you blocked off the halls with those huge doors, and instead of jumping ocer the death pit, you could make a bridge out of doors.
  5. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well i definatly worked pretty hard to make sure there were no spawn kills. Don't comment on the spawns unless you have seen them or played a game on it.

    If i didn't let you over the death pit then the sniper hallway would be one looong dead end. there wouldnt be much of a point to go down there, and if you did, you would have to walk all the way back.

    If i kept the death pit impassable, then there would only be one way (2 if you count the attackers spawn) between the two major paths. That would also cause balance issues with one side being easily able to go back and forth, and one not being able to.

    Also, There would only be one path to the flag, which is hard enough to capture with two paths there.

    First off, that supply case over the death pit is supposed to be angled. That makes it easier to get up.

    And i'm sorry but i don't really understand the last part of your comment. I get the part about making a bridge, but huge doors? they only come in one size. In any case i am out of objects to use. I have no doors, generators, supply cases, or any other immovable object. I even only have one wire spool left, so a bridge is kindof out of the question

    I don't want anymore comments like "it seems like this" or "it looks like that". Actually play the map before you give it a review.​
    #5 Benji, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  6. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    F*** you @ last picture.

    Honestly Benji, I think this is a great map. It's layout is great, it has enough cover, the respawns are close, but not too close to the bases in Flag. I think you did something great here, and I'd very much like to play Team Doubles on this map. Join the group Atlas (if you don't know about it), and check it regularly to see if Shishka needs Doubles maps for MM. If he does, PLEASE submit this!

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