While Playing the Bungie Vs. World I Had to Leave while in the time before the game starts, But after everyone's GTs were showed up. This is the only Time I have Left a match in this playlist, But on the weekly update it just says if you quit then you're screwed. Is there a Maximum Time you can quit or Is it really that harsh?
Don't know, I don't think they would drop the hammer on you for doing it once. My internet died at like 4 AM in the middle of the game when we were winning...
I think when they said "if you quit you're screwed", I think it means if you're in a game against them and you're winning then you quit you can't come back wanting the armour.
if you quit any game it disqualifies you so that people cant just leave the game at the beginning so that they can find bungie faster
Are you sure about that? The moment you quit, bungie goes,"oh, he's just another kid trying to get recon faster.", doesn't seem very likely...
I agree with alienman911. It seems like they would set something like that up to discourage quiting. Otherwise when people got into a match and saw it wasn't Bungie they may be tempted to quit out and try again. The other possibility is that they only threaten that scenario in order to discourage quitting, but they have not set up any kind of tracking system to disqualify you.
I've quit twice, once because my internet messed up and the other because I was invited by a friend. I don't want to be disqualified =( Oh well, it's not like I'll get the chance to play them anyway.
I would assume it would be if you left loads of times. So if you've played 20 games and DNF two I don't think that would get you in trouble. If you've played 20 gamed and DNF 13 then I take it that would. Well thats my vibe from it anyway. Its not you leaving a couple of games as internet can fail and everything its you leaving a lot, if not all, of your games just to face Bungie.
if you quit enough times they will disqualify you. one or two times is not enough for them to do that. they keep records and can see if you keep quiting games one after the other. but if you have to go mid-game they arent going to DQ you for it if you only do it couple times.
I believe they check everyone out before they give them recon. Quitting once isn't going to mean anything. Bungie only cares about people who consistently quit out of games and ruin the MM experience.
Haha, this was the only time I was tempted to quit. Usually the game was ended by one team quitting until it was just me or the other team was completely empty and the game ended. I think only one game I played every stayed in, and actually won by capturing the flag three times.
Well all that means is no Reconz for you. Your just going to have to wait until halo 3 odst comes out to get he Reconz. My friend has is because his cousin works for Bungie.
Yes, he knows he couldn't get recon because he quit. Most people didn't even get the chance. Most of use will most likely have to wait for odst. And isn't your friend lucky now. Spoiler Plural is shown with an "s" not a "z" by the way. It was bothering me.
Well, it is over now. But your long quest (after you quit) of trying to get recon was useless because you'd be disqualified. They be lurkin.
You were only allowed to quit three times before being disqualified, but some requirements required you to never quit. Bungie.net : Bungie Weekly Update: 07/10/09 : 7/10/2009 3:35 PM PDT