V2 Changes: Zombie Count up to four. Damage resistance in Mongooses removed; human speed increased. Weapons added: Regenerator, Bubble Shield, Missle Pod, Brute Shot x2, Waypoint Masker ( Custom Powerup ): Respawn Rates: Never Cover Added NO HONOR RULES Created by: Xx Pr0 F0rge xX Supported Gametype(s): Flying Tremors Description Mouse Field is a map on the main and skybubble floors of Sandbox. Inspired by Tremor n' Mouse, this map pits mice against tremors in a whole new way. Two tremors spawn in the recon tower. The mice spawn in a bunker/cage loaded with mongooses. 10 seconds into the game, the mice are released to roam free. But 10 more seconds later, the recon tower spots them and sounds the alarm. Two red lights flash on and the tremors are released to their Banshees. The tremors then fly around the map and try to either splatter or bomb the mice to death. In this game, the humans can actually kill the flying Tremors with two direct hits from their rocket launcher. -HONOR RULES- The two main rules are: Do not use the main plasma cannons of the Banshee. Use the mortar bomb or splatter. Do not skyjack the Banshees. If you do on accident, exit the Banshee immediately and go pout in the corner. Another rule, found to be necessary via Beta testing: DO NOT BLOW UP THE MONGOOSES WITH YOUR ROCKETS AT THE BEGINNING. Pictures Tremor Spawn Mouse Spawn No Camping! Recon Tower Mouse Cage Zombie Respawn Box Skybox platforms for lasering Mouse Spawn Nest (for AFK, late join, or suicide respawns) Main Structures: Shrine Ruins Wrecked Bridge Obelisk Corner Stone platform ramps Action Shots: TIP: Credits Thank you to anyone who helped test the map and gave suggestions. It was greatly appreciated. Over and Out Thanks for checking out my map post. Download, comment and rate! I am open to suggestions for a V2. Flying Tremors on Mouse Field
ok this game can be done without the first honor rule because honor rules make gametypes terrible. You can fix the first rule by making the zombies do 0% damage so bombs knock people around and splatters kill them but cannons do nothing. however i dont know if this map would work well because if you change it so banshees dont do damage then camping were banshees can't get in might be a issue. AS for the map it looks pretty good, there lots of structures and interlocking in some areas, the bridge looks like it was made very well.
You forgot the honor rule- no vehicle hijacking... well Hyabusa is right though, make banshees do 0 damage so that they cannot do anything besides bomb the mongoose players and splatter. But honor rules dont work out so much... its too much work and its not fun having people break the rules and its even more annoying to hear the kids shouting "NO DONT SHOOT!!!" As for the map, everything seems a little messy- such as the "stone platform ramps" do not seem to be big enough to have a mongoose dive on. Try making some structures that are a little less basic
I didnt put no highjacking vehicles cause i dont really know a way to fix that cause the humans need to drive which means they can highjack and if you use customs so they can only get on vehicles at start they'll get kicked off when the power-up is done so idk how that on can be fixed.
Two suggestions: 1. Make the Tremors' do 0 damage so they can only splatter to kill. 2. Instead of Mongooses, just make the mice run really fast, that way they can't skyjack. Just a few ideas to get rid of any honor rules...
About the 0% damage issue, I think I might make it a 50% damage or something so the bombs don't do as much damage.... but in a party of 12 everything played pretty fine... the splattering only idea gets countered by the rocket launchers, it would be so hard to kill. Games with just five rounds last around 12 minutes already. If the structures were any more complex it would be too hard for the Banshees to kill the mice. There would be too much cover.
Pics aren't working for me? Oh well, it sounds fun. One way you can get rid of thesecond honor rule is disable the vehicle use for the mice. Sounds fun, I'll get back to you when my computer starts acting normal.
this map look really fun but i agree with everyone. i think you should make mice run faster, and have fuelrods, so its harder to hit the banshees.
You can't start with fuel rods, and putting them on the map is more likely to cause lag. Let me know if you can see the pics here. Disabling vehicle use for the mice would go against all things tremor n' mouse. What would be the fun of running around the map with no mongooses?