What would you like to see in Call of Duty: Modern Combat 2?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by doomgrunt, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    I do hope you guys realize that some of those were jokes.

    So, here is my revised list of changes I would like to see:
    • Zombies
    • 4 Players local for Zombies
    • More perks in Zombies
    • More camouflages for weapons
    • Custom Classes in splitscreen
    • Ability to bring a friend into matchmaking with you, whether he has his own XBL profile or he is a guest.
    • Improved Graphics
    • More Weapons
    • More Perks
    • Ability to crawl in Last Stand

    These are things that I know we won't see:
    • Bear Traps
    • Lots of Vehicles
    • Camouflage for knives
    • Trip Wires
    • Juggernaut removed
    • Stopping Power removed
    • Martyrdom Removed
    • Different types of knives

    These are things that I'm sure we'll see:
    • More Weapons
    • More Perks
    • Improved Graphics
    #1 doomgrunt, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  2. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I'd really like to see a "Play Dead" perk. It may be cheap but I'm sure if they made that a perk that they'd give a way to tell if the person's alive. Maybe improve the "last stand" perk by allowing the person to crawl for a short amount of time.
  3. V ii r t B R

    V ii r t B R Ancient
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    Different types of knives would be interesting. Like a dagger, a poison-tipped knife, a butter knife, etc.
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    • System that wont set new players with 10th prestiges, oh and speaking of prestiges:
    • Keep aestetic (Mind my awesome spelling) upgrades so I wont need to boost more for my gold AK/ Uzi
    • A little customization with characters, not asking for too much maybe options like hats, eyewear, facial features, top, pants, shoes, skin, ect. also wondering why
    • there are no women in MW1, not that I will play as them but I'm sure there are some in the army
    • Have counters to vehicles like powerful turrets in bases, that way, players aren't running around as godly anti everything.
    • a more reliable Air strike
    • And the most annoying perk ever, MARTYDOM!!! TAKE THAT **** OUT!!!
  5. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    and I forgot to add, Vehicles are a MUST HAVE. I'm not talking just tanks, I want ATV's, Porsches, minivans, and F-150's. Especially F-150's.
  6. natu

    natu Ancient
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    You have some of the craziest ideas I've ever seen. Why would we want to put camo on a knife? It's only out for like 2 seconds.

    Iraqi Zombies would be a horrible Idea though. They would do no damage.

    Some of them are pretty cool, though. 2 players would be nice though.
  7. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    Yeah, I don't really care for knife camouflage, but some people might.

    Oh, and nice zombie motivator.
    #7 doomgrunt, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  8. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Tanks in WaW ruined the experience of what Call of Duty really is... infantry. If you want to play a game that has huge wars and tons of vehicles Battlefield is MADE for that, but Call of Duty 4 was as good as it was because it was just straight up infantry. I don't mind them in campaign, but they'll get out of hand in multiplayer...

    Yeah, but they need zombies.
  9. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    • Rewards for prestiging
    • Slight destructible environments and new physics engine (Shoot out light = dark)
    • New engine showing insane lighting effects (Example: Hiding in dark house)
    • More weapons and more customizable options for them.
    • More "game types" and better maps
    • Multiplayer campaign
    • Horde/****-Zombies like mode (Not necessarily like **** Zombies though...)
    • New perks (Infared FTW)
    #9 Chronic Fate, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  10. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    Yes! It would be amazing to have levels where it is so dark that you can't see more than 5 feet in front of you without nightvision goggles on... That would be great, like the Bog campaign mission where you can see the laser-sights from the other people's guns... So cool.

    Also, they should have destructible environments/doors to buildings that can be blocked somehow, and you have to use detonators to blow them open.
  11. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    First of all it's Modern Warfare 2.
    Second, it's not Call of Duty. It's just Modern Warfare 2.
  12. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    More camo
    No martyrdom
    No rifle grenades
    Fix the dogs clipping issues and flaws or bring back the chopper
    More variety in weapons
    No super weapon(P90 or MP40)
    No flame thrower
    Atleast some custimization
    Ability to change fire rate(Single, Burst, Full Auto)
  13. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    First of all this is not going to be anything like World at War. It will be a new take on Modern Warfare. Second: Rifle Grenades taken out will take out the whole realism of the game, is there rifle grenades in real life? Yes.
  14. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    It was confirmed in Game Informer that MW2 will have an auto-turret perk that will allow players to set it up, and it will shoot enemy players.

    Also, Infra-red visor would be AMAZING, but it would probably ruin some of the gameplay if you could find people that easily. They could probably also make a counter-perk like camoflauge, except body heat blocker. Also, an EMP grenade to disable the auto turrets, as well as the infra-red visor would be cool
  15. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I was actually brainstorming on this topic a couple days ago. I came up with a lot of different perk ideas. The I saw it was that you can either combine perks to your choosing( juggernaut, primary grenades, martydom.) OR... you have a whole new approach at choosing your perks. At, lets say, lvl 10 you get the second chance perk. Then, at lv 20 you get a new perk that adds on to that one, by maybe a perk that actually does let you crawl while you are on last stand. Finally at lv 30 or higher (im exaggerating) you get your last perk for this set that lets you wield your primary weapon while you are on last stand. This kind of perk settings would completely change the whole game. You could make a custom class that was completely bent on being stealthy,a custom class that was all about armor, or a class that was a mix between them all.

    SOme people might say that this will make some people way overpowered! and that is exactly true, if you are a higher rank than someone, shouldn't you be stronger?
    #15 Spawn of Saltine, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  16. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    No, The whole point of CoD is that most of the guns, though they may be a little different, are balanced (except for the MP40 in COD 5, which is unlocked at lv 10). Same thing with perks. That's why everyone starts out with stopping power, which is arguably the best perk in the game.
  17. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I say a way to unlock the ability to use more custom classes,like getting one for every 5 achievments unlocked,like soulcaliber 4. and more charecter customazation,like at a decently high level,you unlock the ghillie suit,or desert camo,or covering your gun with grass like in the mission "all guilled up".
  18. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Yeah, being able to pick your clothes sounds kind of awesome. I never got how they decided what your guy would look like. In cod 5 I always assumed that if you use a bolt action rifle, you would get the plant suit, but then I saw a guy with a trench gun running around looking like a shrub with legs.
  19. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    he's using overkill,i guarentee he had a sniper.. it is by class too..

    ontopic: I'd like to see supressors for snipers, and ghillie suits cover your weapon too, it'd be awesome. I'd also like to see a perk allowing to climb trees(only certain ones, of course).
  20. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    can i just say that getting rid of perks such as juggernaught, martyrdom, grenade launchers, etc. wouldn't really improve the game? I hate how people complain about this stuff. COD is not stupid, they don't just make perks to dominate the game. I would say 90% of the time that people complain that these perks are "overpowered" is not due to the fact that the perks supposedly are better than others, but because the player themselves lack skill to protect against them.

    Of course I can kind of understand martyrdom, but still in COD5 they did give us toss-back perk as a counter, which actually works pretty well. But then of course everyone says "well no one is going to use toss-back!". Then your just retarded because they've blatantly given you a counter and you refuse to use it. If you really have a problem with martyrdom, you should use toss-back! Not doing so is like saying you have trouble moving a boat but refuse to use a paddle.

    I also think that grenade launchers/rifle grenades get too much flak as well. Sure it may be a one hit kill in most cases, but how is that any different from a sniper shot or a blow with a shotgun? Sure it may cause some splash damage, but I'm sure most people can deal with bleeding out for a moment by just finding some quick cover and staying there for 3 seconds.

    And then as for juggernaught, this is the stupidest thing to complain about. Stopping power is such a great perk on it's own, and it's even better that it counteracts juggernaught. Your really not losing a whole lot by using stopping power.

    In short, I have never had any major concerns with any perks or weapons in the game. I feel all are pretty balanced from the most part and people just fail to realize that. I think that going on an elimination spree would just make the game worse and less fun. Cause I mean come on, what's the point in selecting perks/weapon combinations if you can only choose from like 3 different ones?

    now that rant is aside, here's what I would like to see:
    -new, different gun camo. including ghillie camo for sniper rifles.
    -silencers for sniper rifles
    -iron sights for sniper rifles
    -different selections for red dot sensors
    -If their going to have big vehicles, then have like one or two javelins (from COD4 campaign) on map aswell.
    -a return of the helicopter for a 7 killstreak reward. no dogs.
    -map remakes for multiplayer.

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