The small border version looks better. This sig is very good, I like the C4Ds in the background, and the colorization is very nice. There is some odd blurring on the left hand fingers... that looks a bit odd. Overall, great work.
THat's way too contrasted. THe c4D really has no depth. Please get rid of that bright blue border. I know it matches with your theme and all, but it just kills your sig. Try calming the colours down a bit, and add a source of lighting
Oh how funny the hypocrisy is. Anyhow, the flow is going in the wrong direction. Didn't we just go over this? It would be better if the C4D's didn't contradict each other. Go up with the render, THEN they can spread out. Also, your colors need a little more blending.
The flow is way off and the lighting seems to be in the wrong place. Also what is with the c4d it doesn't look right, the colors are all messed up. Not your best sig, better yet it might.