So I just started playing this game today, and I have to say, it is amazing at the amount of things that you can do. It's basically like every anime you have ever played... put into an online MMO. There are a ****-ton of classes and items and such. Here is a picture of me in game And yes, that big ass mother ****er with the sword on the right is an actual player. Check it out here
lol a private server... your thread should be called Ragnarok Online (Private Server: Blackout) unless said server provides custom content that the regular servers dont, not being a smartass, just commenting, I thought this was a new game lol
I have no idea dude, this is my first time playing it today. But come to think of it, I got to level 34 by killing just 1 monster/
Meh looks okay. I really don't think I would play it. It does look impressive for a free MMO though. I'm guessing you came across it by watchin youtube and deciding to click on one of those linkity links? ;D
Looks a lot like maple story and gaia. Both of which I dislike. I never have liked MMORPG's as I get bored of them after a while, and then I realize I've wasted so much time leveling up, and now it's gone to waste. Happened to me on RS, and I ended up selling my account.
Dude, it takes like 10 minutes to get to max level if you do it right, and then you get to go do PvPs and guild wars and such and the gameplay in pvp is amazing.