MMO Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TXGhost, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Well basically I want to discuss about MMOs, which ones do you like, which ones are on top, new MMOs.

    I understand that this thread will be a lot about WoW since it is the dominant MMO out on the Market. But my personal favorite MMO would have to be Coh/CoV. (City of Heroes/City of Villains)
  2. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
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    My favorite is definitely Guild Wars, I played mostly competitive tournaments until my account got banned (don't ask). I also enjoyed City of Heroes, Eve Online (awesome), and Anarchy online was pretty good.

    I'm looking forward to Warhammer Online, GW 2, and Huxley (MMOFPS for the 360).
  3. El Capitaine

    El Capitaine Ancient
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    never really played any...

    except for runescape, way back in the day. I mean around 9 or 10 years ago. And Phantasy Star Online, which occasionally advertises itself as an MMORPG...when it really isnt. its a MORPG (same thing but without the 'Massively' part, since the lobbies, which are only for viewing others' characters and chatting, could only hold 150-200people, and games were max of 4. Not MMO.)

    Phantasy Star Online will finally be down on all systems/consoles by the end of this month...but I've got a private server to play on
  4. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
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    Haha wow, you reminded me of Runescape. Wow, that game sucked, looking back. But at the time I thought it was teh l337est evur. lol
  5. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    I scaped for a while, 'bout it.
  6. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I only played a couple but I'd have to say my favorite was Knights Online.
  7. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I never really got into Guild Wars or The Scape. I got into MMOs when I was about 11-12 playing SWG, which was super fun until they screwed it up. I got into Toontown, Coh/Cov. Played a little of everything basically. Both Guild Wars and Runescape where a little lacking when I went to them just because of my previous experiences with MMOs.
  8. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
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    Yeah GW turns off a lot of players look for depth, huge amounts of loot, raids, etc.

    PvP is where it really shines.

    I think I've played Knight Online before, I just can't remember what it looked like...
  9. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Don't forget Diablo 2, awesome classic right there. ;)
  10. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Hardly an MMO but good nonetheless
  11. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I remember my dad playing Diablo when I was little, I was afraid to play it though because of the big scary thing on the box.

    What I would have really liked to see was that MMO SUper Hero Marvel game that was supposed to come out for the Xbox, they scrapped the idea I have heard. That made me very sad.
  12. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Anybody here play Star Wars Galaxies? That game was so much fun until they added the combat upgrade. After that, everyone quit because it screwed up the game.
  13. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I felt the same way.
  14. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I was playing it around the same age too.

    I think I was a Bounty Hunter/Musician when I quit. And my ship was so cool. It was the Lady Luck, I think. It was decorated with all this sweet stuff. I was also Imperial.
  15. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Hah I remember I got this vet reward sold it for around 11-14 mil and just bought whatever I wanted, I had about 4 houses a really sweet ship, which was also a vet reward. I was a melee guy I think the guy after swordsman. Awesome game right there.
  16. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    It was a great game. Why did they have to mess it up though? I swear I would probably still be playing it if not for that.
  17. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I actually thought about making this thread but never got around to it.
    Between me and my mate weve played pretty much all the big ones and are waiting for age of conan to come out.
    Coh/Cov rocks out loud in my opinion.
    Its just so nice,simple and fun.And there always a nice rewarding feeling with brute powers when you have a full fury bar.
    Dead minon :)

    I tried SWG but i think i came shortly after this combat upgrade ive heard of.
    I didnt like the 3d graphic in general (coh was my first so nothing seemed as 3d after that).general lagginess and the controls were kinda wonky for me.
    Altho mainly i just think it was too complicated and got confusing if you didnt want to read 13 pages of tutorial text.

    Next up-Wow....."gags"
    This game is wierd in my opinion.
    It seemed great and epic at first,you know getting some cool new powers(as in plural!!!zomg) every two lvls.
    BUT after around 25 or so you just start getting new ranks and are lucky to get something new every 8 lvls and it get really slow to lvl.
    Highest i got was a 45 shammy and im resenting it already.
    The game is way to centralised around gear that you think is awesome but in the end makes almost no differance whatsoever to combat and you feel cheated if you go all the way through an instance and dont get it.
    Anyone who's played it has ran into the swedish and ill leave that at that .
    Proffesions are even more about farming...and if you dont do all this farming you get abused by assholes in your group for havin bad gear.
    I eventually got sick of it and quit WoW as the graphics are mediocore and you can only argue with idiots for so long without having an aneurism.
    That said there are SOME nice WoW players but not many,if you are one i salute you on your patience and determination.

    My mate has guild wars but i never played it seemed ok but i think others are better.

    Now onto my woosh of happiness with cox.

    No real farming whatsoever unless the person,everyones lucky enough to find a rare bit of salavage and get tons of inf for it as infamy/influence isnt worth the money taken to program it into the game (another problem with WoW ws you needed gold for EVERYTHING)

    The only tim i can imagine farming is if you need a piece of salvagethats not on the black market or is very expensive.
    But inf is easy to accumulate and if your piece isnt there go do a mission,check back and someone will have found one.

    No l337 neccessary gear.
    Thereare invention enhancements and there are hami's BUT they do not make or break your character which is awesome.
    They ad a bit more of a kick in areas that you want but you could very easily play through this game with no inf enhancements or even other people.

    Less assholes
    I know this is a geeralisation but i find the people in coh are much nicer than say WoW or what i saw/seen of SWG with my mate.
    Lvl is still quite easy to achieve so no one lords it over anyone.
    I am currently trying to blast my way to 50 efore issue twelve(im only lvl 31 atm)
    Its wishful thinking but im trying :)

    Finally-Free updates!
    Each issue adds cosiderably to the game and they dont cost more money like the burning crusade.
    They have added more costume parts,missions and are adding more powers soon(well,proliferating the powers whatever)
    And ncsoft have guaranteed these updates will be gettign huge

    And im sorry but bases are just utter winsauce!

    Anyway thats my short reviews of the MMo's ive played :D
    #17 Supa Midget, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
  18. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Hah, yeah my fave MMO has to be CoX. For all the reasons you listed. I remember being in the two top SGs on two different servers, when Fire Tanks ruled at Power Leveling. I got one toon up in a day just from Power Leveling. Don't worry I got two 50s legit.

    Anyways, the one thing I do like about WoW is the fact it is so open and rarely any loading. Which CoX had a hard time doing. Also some of the free expansions are nice but they never implement something amazing. The invention system was a big thing, and possibly when ever they add in new powers. I really want to boot CoX back up. I never renewed my account after about 3 years of playing that game. I am kind of wanting to go back into Paragon City.
  19. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Wow doesn't start until your 70

    or 60 pre-BC
  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Lol other brutes get god mode...BUT FIRE TANKS GET JESUS MODE!(self rez ;)

    I do admit the no loading is nice but with a shiny new dell 2322584292485995 with dual processors its not a problem :D
    Altho CoX has ALOT of issues with default vista lol.
    And dont worry weve been prommised by NCsoft that now that they own the game fully they guarantee the next issues are going to be huge and the next one currently adds
    extra powers for all archetypes
    a new area
    revamp of the hollows with a mobile hospital(which should be really cool)
    More people and extra cool stuff for level fifties.
    Animated sounds instead of real sound!!!! lol (april fools joke)
    I say get CoX back asap,i only hope it doesnt get too popular and so the makers get lazy like whats happened with other games.

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