OMGOMGOMG, i was just gonna post on this saying that i didnt beat recon, but right when i said that i got matched up with them and beat them!!! OMG OMG I DID IT!!! Last 20 minutes of the nihgt and i beat them! YESSSS!!!!
I seriously have had "Collonade about 30 times already" (Quoted by an angry matchmaker) I was amazed at the amount of times i had that map today... And imo there are a lot of things that ruin that map. (teleporters, ghost, narrow walkway in middle). Oh, and Apex is by far the best map there.
Yeah, I played Collonade about three times today and I am so tired of it. The spawns were horrible. Sadly, I didn't win recon I pretty much gave up because I've been playing for quite some tine already... Major sadface
That has some nice sniping and teamwork setting up in that video. It's always nice to see some talent being displayed on Regicide.
Yep, Agamer, Black Theorem, Iron tusk, and (sorry i forgot) matched up and beat them and the person with the frog avatar up there ^^^^. Great job guys. BTW Agamer i heard you kicked there asses.
Grats on recon, Jumpman. I played for a total of about 8 hours, and in that time I laughed, I cried, but no reconz. sadfaic
Wow, lol thanks man, your map is awesome though. And who rendered the video i'd like to repay you some time
Okay so I played most of the maps yesterday and they were all excellent creations. However I missed out on some and wondered what people thought about them? I missed out on; Backdraft, Borderline, Cryptic fate, Eighty Grit, Fortress and Requiem. What did people think about those?
Backdraft if im thinking of the right one was boring and not very fun at all; I didnt play eighty grit or cryptic fate but i liked fortress. Requiem was ok but not too good. The bests were conduction, Regicide, Ravinia and others I cant remember. The worsts were colonnade, backdraft, one with a tall structure in the middle with a teleporter up to it dont know the name and apex
you didnt miss out on much. I however was waiting to play on Conduction forever, and never saw it. Its the only map i cared about in the whole playlist. Lightsout and the whyher got a match against them, but lost 50-48. That has to be a very awful feeling.
My friends and I all had Seventh Columns for our Emblems to show our appreciation of Bungie Day, and people asked use constantly if we were Bungie. It was a blast, we didn't respond once, and the other team actually thought we were Bungie. We were tea-bagged and were yelled at, "take that Bungie!" quite a few times. We won the match, and heard screaming, whining and bargaining by the other team for Recon and 1v1s for it. One of the best days of playing Halo 3 ever. The playlist was awesome, too. I got to play some maps that I wanted to and never got around to. Eighty Grit was the first map I played and one that I enjoyed the most. Hope to see another playlist like this come around again sometime.
Playlist was a whole lot of fun. I played Collonade a million times just like everyone else, but it was still fun playing on a bunch of new maps. I really wish I would ahve gotten Ravinia or Conduction at least once though Also didn't win Recon either, but I suppose I'm in good company. Well, I guess we will all get it with ODST anyways, so it doesn't make that much of a difference anyways.
I like most of the maps that were showcased, except for 2. Both had the shittiest spawning i have ever seen in a map. One in the skybubble had people materializing RIGHT in front of you. The other, I think it was regicide, preferred putting you near 3 enemies over 3 allies. Both maps were horrible in that sense.
Hey, i already posted on this but i was just wondering if anyone else has recieved their recon yet? Cuz i havnt :/ Does anyone know how long we have to wait cuz i dont remember reading how long on Bungie...
I hated almost all of the maps I got thrown. Colonnaide? No offense Kapura, but it was terrible. Paranoid was possibly the worst, if not the most aggravating. And I got AR's on regicide. It was terrible. Seems like they could have mad it so only Slayer BR's would show on this map, but I suppose not. It almost killed a great map. I did get to play chrsts new map, and a few others that were interesting, but not enough to save the day.