Ok i read that you do not have to face or beat them to get prizes. What does that mean? Can you just play a lot or do some amazing things and get prizes for it? I got a perfection on one of them maps today does that give me a better chance or is the just random? Thanks in advance
they have a set of achievements that will earn you recon, but they will not anounce them until after today. so yea, perfection could be one of them, but im not sure. find some with the number seven, because they are obsessed with it. so im pretty sure a killimanjaro will get you recon.
Haha yeah I bet that would get you recon... Thanks for your help too... Guess i'll just keep trying for it
It's not a single special medal, like a Perfection. (But good job, by the way.) It's whoever has the most medals that tie into the theme of the Playlist. In the Valentine's Day Playlist, people were given Recon for having the most Sticks, Killjoys, etc. Since it's Bungie Day and they're always talking about Ninjas/Flaming Ninjas, i.e. Flaming Recon, I'm willing to bet that having a high number of assassinations would get you Recon.
Following this train of thought, having the most incendiary kills would probably work as well. I believe atleast one map has a flame thrower?
I was thinking about 77 EXP, 7 kills with the sentinel beam in one match, 7 incinerations in one match, most killmanjaros, 77 matches played, 77 assists, 77 kills... But most likely they'll do what they did last time. They'll choose say... 77 matches played. If they chose 77 matches played, they would randomly pick a couple people witih over 77 matches played to get recon armor. The person with the most incinerations... The person with the most killmanjaros. I'm just hoping that I didn't sleep for an entire day for a reason, and not just so I could make a couple new friends and get more Exp... 152 matches I played! Grrrr...
Not total, I meant in the playlist. Anybody can get 777 exp... In fact, most people have had 777 exp once before. We're talking about the other reasons Bungie is handing out Recon this Friday. Something not regarding the actual playlist itself will not earn you Recon.