Bungie Day Stories

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by King 10011, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    Well the second I saw Bungie vs. World i thought "I may finally get Recon" , Even if ill get it in two months I wanted it before everyone else, Before it became a regular armour. But no.... 21 FRICKEN hours isnt enough to even see Bungie. After the first 2 hours I just wanted to SEE Them . Just so i could put it in my new montage. (which im creating using bungies knew video system, THANKS BUNGIE!) I played endless games, had a ton of fun, and made some friends...

    After the tenth hour many wandered off the CoD or some other game on thier PS3's or Wii's.. But I stayed. I stayed for 21 hours. From 2 hours after the start of B-Day, all the way to the very end.... or i thought thats what was going to happen. Just as the last of the competitors started to dwindle off and I saw my chance (the player count dropped to 100,000!) My Xbox stuttered, stopped, and crashed. Just as my hopes had risen again my Xbox RRoD me in the middle of the game.....

    The only times I quit were the couple when my Xbox died.... unlike the others who quit every-game (it was an average of 2 vs 3) I stayed. And my reward? No sight of Bungie, But my Xbox crashing (AGAIN!).

    But I dont blame Bungie for that. I blame Microsoft....

    That pretty much raps up my Halo 3 Bungie Day story....
    Thanks for reading.... And Thanks bungie for making suck a kickass game. I had a ton of fun today. HAPPY BUNGIE DAY EVERYONE :p



    Please share your experiences witth Bungie Day as Well =D
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Damn. You're both a good sport and a desperate dude!

    I've only played for about 3-4 hours and then I decided not to play anymore because some of my friends aren't playing anymore and the chance of getting matched up with Bungie employees is very low.

    So I guess we have to wait 'til Halo 3: ODST comes out then...
    Just for the record, I had a lot of fun as well.
  3. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    ima try 1nce more
    but i havent got any1, 1 recon, 14 hours 1 epic fail
  4. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    If you want to hear a funny story, here's one I heard from a guy who was on my team...:

    So there was this friend of this guy who got in a match with bungie. He had two like 12 year olds on his team. They killed one bungie employee and tbagd him like hell... Then, the bungie employee said "**** you, you now officially have no chance of getting recon." and left along with the rest of team bungie.

    Also, I have two pics to show some funny stories that happened to me:
    I'm standing on top of an allied chopper, while holding the flag, while being invisible.

    Basically, we were all sick of not being able to find bungie, so we all decided to just talk and stuff... We eventually got in warthogs and said "lets take a bungie day screenshot!"
    So we all put on our best smiles, and made this picture epic.
    (View it at full size for it to look better)

    Both of these pictures are legit from the actual matchmaking playlist... Making both of them even more epic.
    #4 stickmanmeyhem, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  5. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I was playing with Agamer, Black Theorem, and Gun Slinger at around 7 in the morning, and then I decided to go to bed. They then got Iron Tusk to play with them, and ended up getting matched against bungie. Lucky me.
  6. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Yeah, then they kicked bungie's ass too! lol
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I suppose the only initial fail I had today was thinking I would only have to stay up to 3:00 AM EST, but then I realized the exact time was 1:00 AM PDT, so I waited up another hour with What's A Scope, and Unbeaten Baroz, and a varying fourth player. We played loads of customs while waiting up for it, and raised my Team Snipers level from 38 to 42.

    As the clock struck 4:00 AM here, my team and I were too prepared. We were so anxious, that we signed off and back in being the play list wasn't loading quick enough. But we finally got in. Just about 4:02 AM. We looked at the worldwide population and saw it at zero. We understand the obvious server update lag, but we though had a nice chance. Then, we were immediately teamed up with another four-player team. Before the names loaded, we all **** our pants. Though to our disappointment, they did not behold flaming heads, or mystical powers. They were Bungie-hungry players just like us.

    So we stayed up to around 6:00, and realized we might as well get some sleep. Upon signing back on, I regrouped our team, and commenced the search. Throughout the day, we never matched up with flamboyant helmets, but had enough fun. Scope, Unbeaten Baroz, and I broke almost every map in the play list. Along with becoming furitated with enemies doing their specified job, killing us.

    All in all, we didn't get recon, nor did we see Bungie, but it was a fun enough day, and I'm glad I experienced it with my friends. Happy Bungie Day.
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    That sucks Dow... But don't feel bad. I played 24 hours, and 152 matches without ever once catching sight of Bungie. A whole ****ing day wasted...
  9. Crackah 4 lif33

    Crackah 4 lif33 Ancient
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    And eventually tried breaking the system to face them =D

    24 hours of my life, I will NEVER get back, tried breaking the system and everything.. We were probably one of the last games that happened, and one of the first, at 4:00(my time) I was in and getting loaded with my team, no bungie members, and we played until the very end.. I did meet some cool guys, gave people free wins at the end, and had a good time however.. Even if I was to face Bungie, I would've tea-bagged and lost my recons =(
    #9 Crackah 4 lif33, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  10. will2715

    will2715 Ancient
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    you know there are prizes if you do well and secret stuff to get cool other prizes and even recon and my bets that one of them is longest time played or most exp so keep your hopes up.
  11. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    I'm hoping there's a prize for longest losing streak cause I've got a shot at that...
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I met someone from here in MM. Who's GT is Millar? (spelt with I's and L's)

    I think it's Y35, but I'm not sure.

    after 2 hours I started getting paired with generals, the lag started and my dashboard started to freeze.

    But even though I never saw Bungie, the maps in the playlist were ****ING SWEET!!

    The only one I didn't like was the Foundry one that wasn't the one from here, and the one with Plasma Cannons on (because I didn't get a Plasma Cannon kill)

    There was also a map with a sentinel beam, which are banned from MM by the Atlas rules :/
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I played colonnade a rough estimate of around 20 times, and I wish to never step foot on it again. I played most of the 24 hours, minus a small nap and a birthday party dinner i was forced to go to. The playlist was fun for awhile, but facing teams of 50s on shitty maps can only be fun for so long while being sleep deprived.
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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  15. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    LIGHTSOUT had a revelation in the playlist towards the end. COLON-nade. 'twas quite amusing...

    As luck would have it, I never had to play actuality break, however I would not be surprised if it turned out that I played colonnade more times than every other map put together...
  16. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Me, Rachel, Preakie and Amercan were playing on this one map with a ghost at each base.
    Idk the name, but the opposing team gave up from our enormous lead and we all sat around with blue team singing the Pokemon theme song. One guy even rode my goose.

    Oh and Colon-ade......fail.
  17. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    Well it looks like alot of you came close but didnt get it either... =(

    For me my favorite fight was, Yes suprisingly... On Colonade. The three other people on my team SUCKED terribly...Firts I had to grab thier flag, Protect ours and the way back, then once I got there someone assinated me and killed all my teammates.... So I had to jump in and kill 3 guys by myself. I killed them while my teammates were standing there WATCHING... I ended up scoring all flag captures. We won 3-0.
    #17 King 10011, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  18. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    Yeah, we did! Thanks for the congrats too.
    #18 Black Theorem, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  19. FUFHA

    FUFHA Ancient
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    that sucks man.

    i only played for like 4 hours and didnt see em either.
    the best part was in the beginning when only around 60000 were playing, but that died fast.
  20. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Haha, I guarantee it was a team effort.

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