Emerge has a good element of blue and black to it but I think the sniper is over used in screenshots. As for Chrome I think the mixture of blue, yellow, red makes it less appealing. Try and get colours that compliment each other. Chrome: 3.5/5 Emerge: 4.7/5
Funky colors with Chrome, but as said above, the sniper rifle is way to over used in screenshots. 4/5+3.5/5=7.5/10 total Personally it's not really a gallery either, since you only have two pictures. Take some more!
I love the slight randomness to the screenshot, especially Chrome, with the more vibrant colors. When I say randomness, I mean that you can see the texture of the ground, rocks, grass, and the links of a fence in the background, along with the Spartan and the effect.
This isn't really a gallery, but I like the effect. The colors make it look so alive...or watever. Good jobz. Chrome 9.3/10 Emerge 8.1/10
I really love Chrome better than Emerge. The festive color and framing are better in my opinion in Chrome. A side comment: i for one dont like those pics where the weapon is aimed in one direction, while Chief's head is facing another. what, is that some type of Blindfire? (not to take away from these pics. these r gud) And honestly, why even comment about the sniper? Is the weapon a Spartan a deciding factor as to if the image is good or not? what if it was an AR? or a Needler, or SMG? ...i digress. Chrome = 4.5/5 Emerge = 3.5/5
ya haha dont worry about the sniper the amount of weapons given really makes any weapon used seem unoriginal due to the ovrewhelming popularityu of screen shots these days i like these ur gonna have to show me how to do that effect soon ... btw i thin the first one is ftw
chrome has 2 much happening at once so it makes it difficult to look at the hole picture but emerge seems pretty good
the first picture has great balance and consistency in the photo, but i would consider including more "cool" colors to compliment the blue already in the picture. the second one ROX MY SOXXX!!
? 2 picture galary? I saw these like when they were made on xbl lol. Anyways. Chromes kewl cuz of the spartans visor and it literaly has flow. i like it. i like it alot. 9/10. The otherones k, but a little blue.
Thank you for the comments, but I believe it was a little bit of necro-posting. I love Chrome and now it has about 600 downloads. Hopefully it will receive some recognition.
Definatley overused pose, angle, weapon/ ;D. I see those types of pics from cuban cat, and Smiley all the time.
I have shots with over 1000 downloads and ive only gotten recignition from 1 website. But luckily for me that websites getting a bungie favs spotlight. Monitor Built FTW.