
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Forge|Designer|C13, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    Earlier today i decided to start designing a
    couple of sig's after playing around and asking
    people for advice i have come up with my first
    2 end results, i hope for some criticism and
    advice on what i have done well.

    I have been using Fireworks and Gimp:

    Original thread here



    My first sig on left, my second attempt on the right

    Please comment and let me know how i did on both, thanks leave coments in the form:

    Sig 1: (Your comments here)
    Sig 2: (Your comments here)

  2. loshon

    loshon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    CnC templates? Meh.

    Things you need to work on:
    1. Flow. All signatures need it, yours have none of it.
    2. Blending. The one with the girl looks out of place.
    3. Quality of stock/effects. It all looks mostly low quality, too contrasted, over sharpened, and otherwise JPEG-y. It's better than a lot of people's starting signatures, but I suggest using renders to start out with, as far a stock quality.
    4. Colors. The colors are clashing, or there's too many of them.

    All in all, it seems very confusing, too effect-tified, and without flow or direction. We need to see the focal much more. You're getting better, though!
  3. natu

    natu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just edit your posts. Don't start a new thread.
  4. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
    Senior Member

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    #1 Its still hot.
    #2 Its not just a girl, its Megan Fox
    #3 Its Megan Fox, In an action movie. Nothing is better then that. Except.... Well SOMETHING is better then it, but i dont say what :D
  5. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bad blending... Colors are simply aweful. The contrast is way too high and the darkness is dreadful.

    Wtf is on Megan Fox's eye and shoulder? It makes her look hideous.

    You have the same thing on the right in both.

    Text is basically the same. Its difficult to read and too far from the focal.

    I realize these are your first too but still... Even inexperienced people should have a sense of whether or not something looks good. These are too dark and similar. I like the enthusiasm but they need work.

    On a different note... Why the hell is this taking so long?!?!?!?!???? (My Youtube conversions)
  6. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    Can some one please delete this thread. thanks

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