Actually, Jon II is giving power to his son, the fear will continue because his son is also power hungry.
hasn't n.Korea declared war multiple times in the past? i think that the n.Koreans are a good lot of people but Kim or what ever that guys name is is a complete and total idiot it would be so easy for a assassin to blow his head of....... come to think of it if that guy got a vid of that it would do better in the box office then transformers 2
DUDES! I ALMOST DIED ON THE 4TH OF JULY! WHAT THE EFF. Apparently the Korean word for 'Hawaii' is 'TARGET'.
I'm lucky that they built them so crappily, or else it may have even come a couple more miles closer!
Korea's leader seriously needs to go. The standard of living under his rule is just plain ridiculous. At a young age people are basically brainwashed in school to hate Americans (maybe even other countries). The people who stand against him cannot show it ether because of severe punishments. He pisses off much of the countries in the world, and I just hope one day something can straighten out in that country.