Let's all pray this map is something we've never seen before. Why would you want to play on something old and outdated? I want something new, original, and creative! Something Halo 3 players have never even dreamed of!
Oh wow.... I guess Blazeinator got it. So its not a remake? that makes me sad to not see Headlong.... =( I keep imagining something similar to it though. BTB, 3 buildings (just 3?) so it seems like Headlong- small, but tall. And if it is "the best one yet" after seeing Orbital, Assembly, Citadel, Heretic (better than midship!?) Then it must be amazing, even better than Headlong hopefully
NOOOOO! I WANT RELIC REMAKE! relic was absolutly positivly 100% hands down the most epic map that was ever in exsistence on so many different levels and i am praying to god that longshore is a remake. im hoping that they throw in some good forge objects with it if longshore is a remake because ive always wanted to forge that map.
It probably isnt Relic. I think that Headlong was better in my opinion. But in H3, I dont think that Relic would work out too well. Also there was someone that got to write about all the mythics (except Sandbox) and he described each map. He said that Longshore was 3 buildings (2 story buildings and the roof could be climbed on) and there were "dinghies everywhere"(small boats) on the ocean. Here is the exact description:
the description sounds great, i love how bungie always adds little things to improve the aesthetic purposes of their maps.
Doesn't even look like anything anticipated. Looks like a great map, kind of like avlanache in a way, but more complex, because I can see that there are 2 sides and 2 bases. Also, it has double boxes which means it has potential for a forging map. Does anyone else see the sword?
Forge I have to say it looks very cool and will probably be tons of fun to play on, but Longshore was the map I was hoping would have some real forge possibilities. While all three of the maps will undoubtedly be enjoyable, I don't see much forging potential. We shall see. ^ Looks like a beam rifle to me too, although it's kind of a strange place for one.
OMG, citadel looks so cool, and heretic, AND LONGSHORE! looks like there will be good forging on longshore.
Here are some things I noticed about the Longshore pic: First of all, the big triangular object looks like the power core from Halo Wars' 14th mission, that you pull up the hill. It looks like it's on a track of some sort, similar to Assembly's Scarab track. Secondly, those boxes look like Forge objects, they look movable, and like they're just re-skins of Crates from many non-DLC maps. Lastly, those rafts look interesting. Obviously, they are not a "n3w sup3r sw33t v3h1cl3!", but look like that they are too, a new forge object. I'm kind of disappointed with this shot, it looks to me like Longshore won't be Vehicle oriented like my hopes were of a Headlong inspired map. Only time, or, I guess Bungie, will tell. To bad they don't normally share the news of maps and like to tease you. A lot.
This picture only shows a section of the map. notice all of the streets in the bottom of the pic. I think that this map will support warthogs, ghosts, mongooses, prowlers, choppers- pretty much all ground vehicles and maybe a banshee.
personaly from the pics, there are probably no flying vehicles. probable vehicle availability list: Ghosts choppers warthogs (including gausse) mongeese possibly prowlers i hope there are banshees sooo bad