Tunnels V.2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by TFx KiLl3r, May 23, 2009.

  1. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    woot a map that makes me feel like im involved in another engrosed game of tunnel rats. These maps are part of a small collection of infection maps/gametypes that boast to be the best of there class. You defintely pulled of a map worthy of a download and maybe a feature. I can see no reason not to love the gameplay of this map.

    Design: 9/10
    gameplay: 8/10
    Feature Worthy: Yes
    Download Worthy: Yes (any serious fan of the tunnel rats or any game that involves hiding from the infected should download._)
  2. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Haha, i have never seen it used lol but ohwell!

    Wow thanks! Im glad you like the map, I too was a fan of tunnel rats although i didnt really make this map with that in mind. Thanks for the comment! Thanks for the review!

    Wow, thanks for the great comment and the continually positive comments the map is recieving! Thanks for the review!
  3. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Short but sweet cheers for the comments man! Alot of people have commented on the interlocking so I seem to have done well there lol, thanks for the comment!
  4. bertieftw

    bertieftw Ancient
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    My friend showed this to me last night and we played and played and played and played on this map as more people kept coming online and it was so much fun! As far as the map and interlocking goes it is superb! As the others have said a very complex system which provides interesting and scary gameplay. 5/5 from me.
  5. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Wow, thanks so much for te really positive comments! Thanks and remember all comments are welcome guys!
  6. youtubeuser

    youtubeuser Ancient
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    Yes! I've found it! Played this at a friends and i have been wanting to dl this for ages, i find this very fun, sure others do aswell. Just thought i'd drop a little comment to show my appreciation for the map! 5/5
  7. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Haha glad its spreading a bit! Thanks for the comment and thanks for taking time to do it! Really appreciated.
  8. jpizel

    jpizel Ancient
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    the map works very well i personally love it. if only my friends would join my game foor a round instead of playing slayer.

    p.s. i met someone playing this map claining they forged it themselves, after i told them i knew it wasnt you they just said that you were there friend and that u helped him make it and saved it on your account. just wanted to check the truth on that statement
  9. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Dude its not true my GT is TFx KiLl3r check his friends list, seriously? Wtf. I made this alone and if you dont believe message my friend The Dom. Im glad you like it though thanks and tell your friend to get a life.

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