Sandbox Action Now!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DeatH to FooLs, Jul 6, 2009.

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  1. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Hello all, and this is my first forge map i decided to put up here.

    I cant get any pics up because it took me an hour to complete the map and for me to through an hour of watching me build a map, well i would just die.

    Okay, im gonna get down to the point.

    This is the first in the Action Now! Series that ive decided to make. It Requires teamwork, lots of it too.

    The Name of the map is: Action Now!
    The Required Gametype is: Action Now!
    The Link to Download the Map : Halo 3 File Details

    The Description is: An Ancient covenant base has been found on the UNSC Super MAC Station orbiting earth. It is underground in the middle of an Unknown Egyptian Desert. The UNSC have gotten the Forerunners to set up a base of operations, and the UNSC has sent in ODST's to get the job done. Move out, Marines!
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I don't know why people feel the need to post it immediately if they can't get pics. Wait until the next day if you're so tired. Screenshots in forge mode are discouraged anyways. All you need to do is start a game, end it and you have a small video of your game and only seconds of video to pan and capture screenshots.

    You also only provided one link. You list a game type and map so you should have two links.
  3. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Calm down.. Ive never done this before...
  4. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    Actually, shroomz is right. All maps you post must have atleast one picture. And dude, you dont have to watch the whole film of how u made the map again. Just save the map, play a custom game in it. Then end the game, and finally watch the video in theater and take the pictures u would like your post to have.

    WARNING: your post will be locked after 24 withing posting it, if u dont have pictures.​
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    This map is ****. Honestly. It lacks any idea, thought, or layout. The aesthetics are crap, and there is ONE, literally ONE area that fighting happens in. You've got a huge armoury, three banshees, and nearly every vehicle available on the map on one teams side. Seriously, ask yourself before you post a map, "is this any good"?


    And get your pictures embedded.

    EDIT: Since nobody posted a link, here. Embed. Now.
    #5 mastersync23, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  6. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Think this first - Ive never seriously made a map before, im usually fooling around in forge, so shut up, and use common sense next. Im sure your first map was no better, plus, i really spent half my time fooling around, so i built that in half hour.

    Mabye im one of those lucky forgers who have a freaking life and people like them, so i spend some time with friends each day, instead of having my best friend as my copy of halo and my girlfriend that i rape every night as a ****ing xbox.

    If the rest of the community is this negative, im outta here.
  7. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Looks like someone can't take criticism. And yes, the rest of the community will be this way since the point of a map post is to get FEEDBACK. Sync told you how the map was bad, and he even showed you a guide to posting maps right.
    #7 Something., Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  8. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Oh but i can, but this isn't productive, and i find most normal people should make it productive criticism
  9. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    "there is ONE, literally ONE area that fighting happens in. You've got a huge armoury, three banshees, and nearly every vehicle available on the map on one teams side. Seriously, ask yourself before you post a map, "is this any good"?"

    I see several pieces of advice here:

    1. Spread the fighting out of that 1 area
    2. Make the weapons balanced for both teams. Armouries almost always mean horribly unbalanced maps.
    3. Balance the vehicles.

    So no, you're just suffering from a case of butthurt right now.
  10. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    I think Productive Criticism is required for a forum to run correctly, so this is a question, and a suggestion.

    Im not here to piss people off, but if you guys think i suck at forging, try following this tutorial for more then 10 minutes without losing where you were:

    Now, try to memorize it for something with 20 times more hardpoints, and MAKING the model. (Youd know what im talking about if you took a small peek at the Contents.

    Now, try following this tutorial to learn how to model:

    Now, try to use THOSE skills to make something like this:

    Afterwards, try to use a program like photoshop to put the skin on that thing.

    Mabye try using those skills to use this?

    You know what we get to work with?
    Cubes, Spheres, Cylinders, basic Shapes, then modify them and attach them using confusing controls.

    So before you say im crappy with the forge, think how youd be using professional Graphics and Code design tools.

    See that c0dy guy? Thats me.

    I tryed in that community, i failed, however i left as one of the best modders there.

    Creep edit: Sorry, not allowed to link to unaffiliated sites :)
    #10 DeatH to FooLs, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2009
  11. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

    Etiquette is apparently at a premium these days and infractions are being handed out to those that fail to act in a proper manner.

    How are we supposed to be a warm and welcoming community if you guys are going to douche it up like this?

    On behalf of FH I would like to apologize to Death for the rudeness of some of the members, they clearly have no idea what it means to be helpful. Please don't let these morons sour you on our community because it can be a very fun and helpful experience if you give it a chance.

    With that said you do have to adhere to the posting standards or else your thread could be locked. This outta help.
    #11 Creeping Death, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  12. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    Ok... This is a forum of forging on Halo 3-- not modding a Star Wars game. >.<

    Well I haven't downloaded the map, and from the others' posts here it seems your map is heavily unbalanced and not fun to play on.

    1. For a person so smart at modding Star Wars games, you should have the slightest clue on how to make a map good and fun to play on.

    2. Here at ForgeHub, only post maps that you tried your hardest on. I see, multiple times you've said that you were just fooling around in Forge.

    3. At ForgeHub, or for that matter any online forum/website, always read the rules for posting, before you post.

    Hope I helped.
    #12 Fousu, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  13. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Sorry if my post sounded harsh. I always come off like that. My point was that you seem like you knew you needed a picture, so why waste the time and make a half-assed post knowing that it was wrong and possibly get deleted... then have to create the post again. I see new members do it all the time and it makes no sense to me... especially since most people lurk here for a long time and see that every thread in the map forums has pics.
  14. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    You helped but only on point #3

    The only thing we ask for here at FH is that you follow the posting rules, otherwise your post will be locked. Beyond that we have no standards for the quality of the map being posted. Quality is subjective and what may be fun to one person may not be to another, therefore we cannot hold the quality or lack thereof over anyones head.

    Every member has the same right to post what they want as long as it adheres to the posting standards, if you don't think the map is good then offer some constructive criticism. If you have nothing good to say then say nothing at all and move on. Simple as that.
  15. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Alright, you have a point. I didn't post constructive critiscm. However, do you SERIOUSLY think that this map will earn anything? Do you think people will have fun on it? You've got an area with missile pods and snipers. You can camp up there with a sniper, kill everyone on the bottom, and when someone escapes your spawn camping, you blow up their banshee with a missile pod. I think my post held some valid points. So before you go shouting off about me not having any friends, and ****ing my Xbox, try to actually decipher something from my post instead of being an arse.
  16. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    One word: lol.
  17. jakey babs

    jakey babs Ancient
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    i think you guys were a little hard on hi for his first i mean come on I'm sure you had some MEGA **** when you first got halo. I think the mistake was putting it on forge hub without play testing or at least getting someone else's opinion. Not every one here is a **** head. just because you didnt do good doesn't mean you have to give up it just means you need practice and you need to study the maps that were succsesful. Next time try to play with some of your friends until they tell you it's ready.
  18. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Locked due to lack of pics. Death to Fools, you can check out a guide here, and then feel free to repost your map with emedded pictures included. Any trouble, just drop me a PM.

    As for everyone else, Creeping covered your behaviour as wel as anyone could. Inconsiderate criticism is not constructive.
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