Recon is stupid, Stat charts are lame,too big. i would restart the sig, without the recon or the stats.
I don't really like the linen type texture thing. Also, I think the recon really ruins the whole thing.
I didn't ask what it is, I asked where. Some people just post to post, and judging by your 1200 posts, you're one of them. lol. Then you're obviously bias so you're not going to like it no matter what. lol. Anyways I'll change up the recon to mark iv for all you nubs. And I'll see about the linen texture even though it goes along with the theme.
I just told you. It's the wow of the signature. It's all over it. The clothe texture tears it down. And wonderful deduction. You're an idiot. The G&A doesn't count post count. Otherwise I'd have more posts than the top five.
You needed to be more specific then. The point of me posting was to receive more indepth design ideas and concepts to look over. Just saying it takes away from the shinyness tells me nothing. I didn't really see any shinyness is the signature, so if you point out certain details it would really help.
I think he means that the cloth texture takes away from the brighter parts like the recons helmet visor. The texture also looks all around bad. Other than that, its a stats sig, not much else to be said.
Oh alright, ya I went back and changed back and forth between the texture and the original and the original does look a bit better. What about the texture around the mlg logo?