Ace like Rocket Race... Looking very nice so far. The one thing I saw that I don't like is the use of the 'Wedge, Smalls' at the ends of the bridge that crosses the ramp. One thing I've learned from making racetracks is that wedges make HUGE bumps for mongooses. Geomerge a wall on each end please. Other than that, it looks great. Oh and you know have an awesome song stuck in my head... thanks!
Looks good so far, solid ramps and room to roam. I assume that there will be more to it, but in the back-left corner of the map looks a tad bare, the Shield Doors look like they would cause some annoyances when crossing sides through the middle. Looks great, though. Named after a Linkin Park song huh, Iseewhatyoudidthar. Can't say that I'm a fan of that >
I love the idea of having a new Rocket Race map, I wasn't a huge fan of Rat's Nest RR, but this could be something..
Linkin Park? Ewww... lrn2music. But please tell me there's a mad mid-air destination off the top of that giant upside down phallic ramp
"Awesome" is hardly the word I'd use. Try "Sellout", or "Disappointing garbage designed to appeal to a wider audience, because their millions of devoted fans just weren't enough". /rant Anyway, many jump ramps = awesome. I love the T-rock, some great air could be caught off that. The cental path also looks very nice.
Linkin Park is definitely not my favorite is all I can say. My brother likes Linkin Park so he was listening to it and the name kind of caught on. Now, onto the map: The destinations are normal for this version, but once I finish touching up and testing, I will make a boosting map in which there will be awesome destinations in the air that you have to boost to.
Dis map r suck >:O Actually it's quite nice. The blocks protruding from the ground are unique and give it a "buried" feel. The bridge in the middle is quite nice, but my only concern is the shield doors. They look like they will interfere with the gameplay. If you need testers, please take the time to invite me.
that looks HOT. I'd tap that. Add more overpasses though, as well as wider, broader platforms for easy lands. The map may be challenging, don't make it frustrating though!
I would just fill the map with single blocks petruding from the ground, instead of filling the center with whatever you added. Make like a violently edged maze. Images look a bit ugly right now.
Boost friendly??? I hope so... Boosting is win and that's what made ratsnest fail as a rocket race map in my opinion, although I understand that that is a circle/rectangle and this is not I'd like to say.... ... I CAN HAS TEST?
Looks awesome man. Will it be done by December 23rd, when I get my xbox for 9 days? Then we can play. I'm especially liking the closed pyramid with 4 sides with a grav lift inside to lift you up from any position you come at it from, as shown in 2nd pic. Great stuff man, keep up the good work!