No threads lol. Hmm looks good, I don't really do anime if you know what I mean, smooth colouring, I like the use of sparkles from the hat but the ones in the hat seem really pixely, try to make them more glowy, nice work overall, and your text fits nicely with the theme.
He's mocking me, I'm guessing he doesn't know I was doing it as a joke. Also, just PM me your sig and ask and I'll set up a CnC thread that says "CnC Frags newest sig" or whatever so you can get comments on it.
Hardly, I'm famous buddy lol. And its legit too, ask her for yourself. ANYWAYS.. ANYONE GOT ANY SIGS TO GET CNC ON?
Is this better? I faded the edges of the render and messed around with the smudging a bit. I also added the gradient in the background to create a light source. Also, Hells, you can CnC too if you are bored or want to CnC something lol. Edit: the more I work on this sig, the less I like it...
Too contrasted on the girls forehead, also the lighting is off, since it is coming from the bottom of her, but its hitting her forehead, so yeah, try again man, and that C4D part on the right is really distracting.
I'm going to outright with you. I honest to God hate what you did with it. I would in fact starting over...But thats just my opinion.
That's not true. If he fixes the smuging direction, moves the render over to the center, adds some more depth, it'd look much better.
Kratos you can take Frags advice if you want, but Frag you really need to stop posting CnC in here. Its against the rules of the thread. It would be better if the dot was in the middle imo. I really like minimalism but its just simple and boring...But like I said, dot should be in the middle imo thats all to be said there.