Foundry There's Blood on the Beach

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Silent oo death, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    [aname=aname]There's Blood on the Beach[/aname]

    The Story
    Wet; everything's wet. We've been on ships for the past few days so I guess I should be use to it by now. The boat we're in now is an amphibious landing vehicle, but me and the boys just call them FT's (floating tanks). "30 minuets!" Shouted sergeant Hicks, from the front of the FT. As I look around I notice the look of anxiety on my comrades' faces. "20 minuets!" the sergeant calls out again. I realize that I myself am nervous. I guess its natural when you're staring death in the face. "10 minuets! Alright everyone listen up; I'm going to go through this one last time. When we land try to get out of the water ASAP. Otherwise when we open that door," he hits the end of the FT with the butt of his gun, "You're going to get riddled with machine gun bullets. Stick together and rush together, that way we will get farther. There's cover all along the beach but don't stay too long, just to get a breather. We're going all the way to the cliffs with this one. Work together and can pull this off. Hourah?" Everyone shouts "HOURAH!". Thud the boat slams to a stop. "GO GO GO GO!" shouts the sargent.
    The door opens.....
    Map info
    This map utilizes all of foundry. There is a "bunker" on the high cliffs that the Germans have stacked with BRs and turrets. The objective of the game is to crouch, duck, hide, and do whatever necessary to get to the end. There is a teleporter at the end of the path to send the allies to the next stretch of beach. After they must get under the bunker via the stairway and a crouch jump to capture the territories. It is the job of the Germans to kill them before they can do that. Scattered along the map are equipment that will help the allies get to their destination. I've been working on this map for a loooong time, so please leave feedback and don't just base it off of looks, everythings has been very planned out.


    Action shots



    #1 Silent oo death, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    This is actually i pretty unique idea and it looks great. The whole story of the map is great and seems like it would be very fun to play. I will really have to download this map and play with friends to get the full feel of the map. Once again, great job.
  3. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Thanks, thats all i could hope for. Do you know some of my other maps? I didn't think they were that well known
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    IDK Ive seen tons of these types of maps and Theres nothing that makes this any different from all the other[D-Day maps,Nomandy beach,Bunker assualt maps] My main question is why did you make this on Foundry which has no beach when Last resort could have done the same thing and looked better?.Even Highground would have worked it even has a bunker and a beach lol. May be its just me but I thought D-Day maps were outdated .
    #4 Eyeless Sid, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  5. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    To avoid making it run of the mill, maybe i should have said this in the main post, i wanted to make this on foundry to focus on gameplay and not aesthetics.
  6. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    Appearance- 1.0-Macaroni Art
    game play- 0.8-Uncomfortable
    Originality- 0.2-Mirror
    presentation- 0.3-Boring

    Over all= 2/5

    OUCH WTF, I played the map 3 time's the first to times were with your game type witch sorry to say does not work with the map at all. Having the turrets were nice and all but it just got boring shooting them all the time maybe if you added some other weapons of choice and being able to recharge your shield makes it way to easy to make it to the check point. I really wanted to say good things about this map but I just don't think it is possible. You had a good idea I just don't think you choice the right map or game type. You should take this map and try to remake it on Sandbox and make it about two times bigger and take away shield recharge for the attackers.
    Then maybe your map should play the way you want it to.
    #6 NOV3D, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  7. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Your suggestions would ruin the game. W/out shields people would never be able to get through. Did you even play it? You're going on about how you only have one weapon the turrets. There's 3 weapons brs, 2 types of turrets, and plasma pistols. Im sorry its not the easy game you're looking for as a defender. The defenders have to struggle to kill the attackers and they have to use stratgy; which you probably have none of. "oh lets remake it on sandbox" a map doesn't need to be on sandbox to be good. Sandbox doesn't have the right movable items that foundry does. Please stop reviewing maps you're terrible at it.

    BTW your rating system is stupid "macaroni art" what are you a kindergartner?
    #7 Silent oo death, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  8. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    There is a few problems.

    1. The position of the turrets in relation to the window panels completely restricts your view because the window panel is in the way.

    2. In certain spots, it is impossible for the turret to even shoot because the window panel is in the way and the bullets can't pass through it.

    3. The forging is kind of sloppy, and the final territory you actualy have to crouch to get in.

    4. I know you were going for gameplay here, but IMO you could have taken the extra times to have some immovable cover instead of what looks like lazily placed movable objects.

    5. There is really no need to have more than 6 minutes to get to the territory, all that menas is that if someone is AFK, you have to end the game.

    Most of these are easy fixes, and if you fixed them, I'm sure that it would play better. I would also add more aesthetically pleasing structures, because it is easier for people to have fun if they are playing on a map that looks good, wether you believe it or not.
  9. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    um, does anyone else realize that this is 4-player, spreadout, duck hunt? good try, but sloppy and too similar for me. :)
  10. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Congradulations, you hit on about every single thing that i noticed. Well thought out review and you;re 100% right

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