Its the way that it just kinda comes off and stops. It looks kinda like a motion blur to me, and it doesn't help anything. try turning the jitter on some and go both out and in on the edge.
Text looks much better in my opinion, but your line is still quit choppy and it is a bit too thick still, and to be honest I think if you got some horizontal scan lines in there it would look pretty good.
Still to thick in my opinion. Looks good, maybe on the white gloss fade the top part of it just a bit to make it look glossier. Looks decent, the C4D on the left is too blurred if you ask me, and the text is meh, not really your best work with text, try experimenting with it, don't just slap it on anywhere, look for the best spots and look for the best fonts, but don't go insane with the font, just stick with some default font that fits in perfectly. I don't really see any dancing in the signature lol. Um, there are 2 focals from what I see and the text is just drawing my eyes toward it too much if I look around it, also the spikes don't really fit, same with the squigly lines they just ruin the flow, and speaking of flow I can't really see any sorry man. Not your best work, try again. Looks alright I like your use of effects in this one, it has pretty nice flow for just going outwards in every direction. Nice colours I guess, a bit too much on the purple side in the dark spot but it looks nice, now just add some text adn it should be good, also try to lay off the scan lines for some signatures.
Remove the line between the Kill and Tiger and move it closer to the dude. The faded flag or whatever on the side needs to be removed, you need to blend your person in more too. The only good thing about this is the text, which is moderately good and easy to fix what is wrong. It needs more blending, effects, lighting, and flow mostly.
Oh snap, sorry bout that. Yest thats better, I think the render could still use a little blending though.