Sandbox Urban Combat

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by used man, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. used man

    used man Ancient
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    Urban combat
    Created by used man

    IMPORTANT-EDIT:as all of my testers have said, this map is really good. I changed the name to urban combat to get more views, I am very very sad about this change. I wont change the story and description, but will still include a DL link to wall street so you can download and play trouble on wall street... in the rare cast that this map gets featured, I would prefer to have it featured as wall street, cause I wont need to draw attention to it then :(

    A true urban combat map

    Base: ___-.Sandbox

    Supported Gametypes:

    • Assault
      Capture the Flag
      Custom Gametype(s)

    500 years before the events of halo 3, there was a small city on a small island. this island contained a very strange material that would help shape what was to come in the future. this material would only be found in very small quantities. It glowed very brightly and provided huge amounts of power for its size. due to the small amounts found it was majorly overlooked due to the cost and rarity. now, 500 years in the future, scientists have found a way to extract all the potential energy from it and generate huge amounts of power. now only a small amount of it remains. the last traces have been tracked to the small ruins of nohsav. you and your force have been sent there to retrieve as much of it as you can. Unfortunately the blue army has also located these traces and are sending a force as well. eliminate the enemy and retrieve the material: good luck


    I made this map in the hopes of creating a true urban map somewhere between infrastructure and gridlocked. infrastructure has a few very detailed buildings, gridlocked has many upright box buildings. while they are both great maps they are also a little extreme. wall street is a middle ground, it contains a good amount of detailed buildings. this creates CQB fights inside the buildings and long range fights outside and on the roof tops. because of the size I added a few vehicles to speed up gameplay. I expect a few people to complain about hornets. I assure you they are very well balanced. occasionally the smart driver will snag himself a killing spree, but that rarely happens. This map plays a custom territories game called trouble. the general idea is very similar to conquest but with a more open world standpoint. I plan to make a whole map pack devoted to this gametype. now I present, Wall Street

    Forging 101:

    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ YES ] __Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    #1 used man, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  2. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    There is to many overview pictures. You need to add in pictures that show the different builing and what not

    From what i can see you pulled off a good urban style map. I like the way the buildings are set up so you can jump from certain ones to others. good job

    4/5 until i play it
  3. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    Glad to see you finally got around to getting this posted. Luckily I was able to be in 2 of your tests. I also played a custom on this map with some friends the other day and they all loved it. Even for people who didn't know completely how the game was played, it was easy to catch on.

    Uh I really can't think of anything else to say right now so I'll just quote my feedback as it basically says everything, and I really don't feel like typing alot right now =]. I also spoilered it because it's kinda alot.

    V3 Feedback:
    V4 Feedback:
    Hopefully people will actually read that and realize the map is now PERFECT!

    Also I won't need to DL, I still have them on my HD from the test. And why didn't you add the ODST Infection version there? That game was really fun.
    Soooo.... yeah.... DL DIS MAP AND PLAY WITCHUR FRIENDS! =]

    Also, your next map, is that the next map in this epic series of "trouble"? Either way I can't wait to see how it turns out.
    #3 NinKeith, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  4. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    Dang.....I said I wanted to be in a picture, I didn't say ALL of them. But thanks.

    ANYWAY, this map was a lot of fun to play on, but it didn't go with my playstyle, so I got my ass kicked a lot. =P But you couldn't have placed the territories in better spots. There's always a battle going on by at least one of them. Personally I would have put some things in between the buildings but that's just me. Great job on the map. 5/5

    A word to the wise, try this map. It's delicious!
  5. used man

    used man Ancient
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    0 : Halo 3 File Details(map) : Halo 3 File Details(gametype)

    DISCLAIMER: The ODST infection gametype was not made by me. It was made by Cory021.

    NinKeith:I'm mostly finished with that other map now, it was for slayer. But then I realized how well trouble would work on so many maps, so I did set it up for that

    Yoshi:that picture thing was an accident :p
  6. Crackah 4 lif33

    Crackah 4 lif33 Ancient
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    The wood bridges making the roofs of buildings looks a bit sloppy.. Maybe some MOAR interlocking?
    Naw.. I joke

    This map is alot of fun, and I have played with you before on it. The territories inside of buildings adds alot of fun, and great gameplay. My favourite part however would have the be the hornet, and just wrecking everyone with it for as long as you can. Quite original in my opinion..


    Keep up the good workz pl0x
  7. used man

    used man Ancient
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    At your request, more a few closeup pictures:

    Wide building with roof removed

    another removed shot

    one more

    the angeled building caused a huge amount of unnescesary problems. this awning is for jumping from one to the other

    one of my favorite buildings. in earlier versions it didn't get enough attention. now there is a sniper on top and a needler inside.

    the building in the foreground is opposite the one in the previous picture. there is a sniper on top and a deployable cover in the tunnel.

    there are two of these balconies. they were designed because I got some complaints about the wall slits. they have a couple specieal uses. 1 jump from inside onto the balconie, then sideways to the air conditioner. 2 walk slowly off the roof and drop down on to the edge and walk inside. 3 use a deployable cover to jump straight to the second floor.

    crackah: the hornets really only get about one spree per game. you just got lucky :)

    OK, at first I wasn't going to address this issue, I decided against that. I am actually embarrassed about the lack of aesthetics in this map. while I did want to make many things neater and add aesthetics it became very very hard. first I hit OLN and budget. then there is the fact that many of the small cracks were patched up after finishing the second test. While this in no way effects gameplay it looks pretty dang bad.
    #7 used man, Jul 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2009
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Hey Used Man! I can't believe I haven't posted on Wall Street yet, considering I was one of the testers. I felt at first that this map was just another one of those random territory taking team work matches. But the more I played on it, the more I truly understood it. It was a blast to play, and although it takes awhile to get the weapon layout, I throughly enjoyed it. Hrrmmm... Seeing as it was quite awhile ago that I tested this with you, I can't quite remember how the Hornet went down. But if I do remember quite right, it was slightly a bit overpowered. But this was a territories map, so it wasn't all that effective towards earning points. The hornet would just completely dominate the buildings, and if you got lucky, splatter somebody on the ground. Great map Used! Wall Street is one of those maps that just doesn't deserve to be pushed back within a second of it's post. Any map as good as this one deserves at least three pages of posts...
  9. used man

    used man Ancient
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    unfortunately ( as the first two and last reply have shown) urban combat is hella fun. unfortunately It got very few views and very few posts. this lead to frustration on my part, I did everything I could to get this map the reputation it deserved. it all failed... I have finally decided to do the one thing that I had suspected all along, change the name from wall street. :( I really didnt want to do this, but I finally give in. this map is now urban combat, hopefully that will catch the eye better...
  10. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I'm actually kind of surprised. I played on wall Street, err Urban Combat, for about 5 minutes (I had to leave) and it was really fun. I think Wall Street, I mean Urban Combat, deserves more attention from the community than this. It really is a fun map to play on. I will admit that some of your buildings are a little sloppy, but you can hardly notice it when your playing. Also, why did you make 3 different versions of the map?

    EDIT: Hey, I see you posted an ODST version of the map, thanks for giving me credit. Anyways, did you fix the problem with the Covenant spawning in the SkyBubble? It kind of ruins gameplay when they can snipe ODSTs from the their spawn point.
    #10 cory21, Jul 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2009
  11. used man

    used man Ancient
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    nope, not yet, but im going to fix some of the problems and post an updated version of both maps.
  12. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I really enjoyed testing this map, thanks Used Man :D
  13. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    i remember this map and i had many problems but also many plusses. First off the buildings are key to survival, and should hold more power weapons espicially if there are hornets flying around the entire game. By the way i love the geomerged building in one of the cornors, great map 4/5
  14. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    I like it, large map, my opinions

    -Possibly add some destroyed column inbetween soem buildings, laying down or standing up. Basically some small scenic items to avoid the annoying across map attacks, or make it cooler for infections.
    -Merge the wooden planks into the areas in which they lay.

    Thats about all I can say without playing the map in action.
  15. used man

    used man Ancient
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    you must have played an older version. since then the respawn times on everything have been increased hugely. considering how many times I tested this im not surprised lol.

    I highly suggest you do play it. If you do try to play it, send me an invite.
    #15 used man, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  16. versusINK

    versusINK Ancient
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    nice map. I like the concept and the flow of the buildings. There are plenty of tactical jumps, and a nice weapon spread. All though you and I only really had a chance to betray each other over and over in a mismatched game of team slayer, but it was still loads of fun.

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