Re: Battle Grounds! (v1.2) Ya rockets are'nt very useful when you are UNDER the people, explosive are supposed to be shot at walls, roofs, it wouldnt really help...I just personally think you have to make the bottom way stronger... thats the same problem I am having with my map. You need more ways from the ground to access the power points on maps (example: on your map, the catwalks) and deffinately put more cover for above the players downstairs, you just have barriers, they wont really help you from someone who is right above you, the barriers wont even effect the guy upstair's vision. Dont worry, Im having the same problem, just PLAYTEST, keyword, get chummy with some forgers, and maybe twice a week get together and playtest eachother's maps. Kinda like, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Re: Battle Grounds! (v1.2) Looks like a map I would like. The bunker ideas are great; having 4 guys hold up in there firing on everyone else would be fun. Seems like this map would work best with 10-12 people. Good job
Re: Battle Grounds! (v1.2) Now that I think about it I think I'll have to try some MLG on this, I'm just a little worried it isn't flexible enough for MLG...
Re: Battle Grounds! (v1.2) u gotta be more neat and careful when u forge. think ur maps out and take time on them. all of that pays off
thats cool how u got on top of the roof looks nice but u should try strraightening out some walls...
Personally, from the pictures, it looks really sloppy. It looks like you rushed it, didn't add any interlocking/merging or any forging 101 techniques for that matter. Im not saying its a bad map or anything its just nothing orginal. You should also flipp the boxes/bridges for a more smoother layout.