nah us brits just sit at home and drink our boobs off until we find out we're sat next to a Llama singin the Llama song and run like there's no tommorow
nprth korea would be stupid to attack the U.S. because we have anti missle stuff in hawaii and we have pin point accurate bombs to drop in strategic places to obliderate all of noth korea, leaving south korea to drift around the ocean until they connect with us. giving us a second wang(sorry florida, you kinda look like a *****.XD)
Obama wont let us kick their ass yet. He is going to wait until they drop a bomb on us before he is pushed into sending the troops out or he will be impeached for failure to react.
I actually believe you on this matter a little. Although I'm sure he would do it before North Korea bombs a city. The Romans fell be a Barbarian Tribe known as the Goth, this happened because when the Goths asked for land and food when a plague hit them the Romans denied them any of this considering they were close allies. So angry Goths siege the capital until starvation take all the gold and Rome fell, and transformed into Byzantine. The U.S can not make the same mistakes the Romans made if it is to survive.
I personally would like a bit of explanation on what you mean? Are you in fact saying that the UK are unstable, crazy and suicidal? If so where the hell does that view come from and where is you evidence to back it up. At the very least, if my preception is correct, that is a deeply offense view and quite frankly full of Ignorance as far as I can see. As far as on topic goes, I wouldn't be overly worried. I see it more of a child having a tantrum, but it could be a threat. However, the response from a nuclear attack would be immense. If it was a decleration of war due to something else then it might not provoke a massive reaction from the world, but a nuclear launch would be shocking. I think that if something like that was to happen the world would change; whether it mearly be an attack on NK by many countries or something far worse I wouldn't know. Just my 2 cents anyway
North Korea is all talk little walk. There nuclear powers are not even a fraction as big as the US's. If they even think of starting a nuclear war, they will be obliterated before they even declare it.
CURRENT NEWS North Korea fires missiles in 4th of July salvo - Yahoo! News Not the point, if they do fire a missile, and it kills 40,000 civilians then we win the war 5 seconds later. That still won't save the 40,000 that are dead. We need prevention, and we need to stop that mad-man before he even starts a war. I believe he was referring to the last sentence, what seems to make sense for us, the British find stupid or distasteful. Just go look at the Anti-American Videos on Youtube and get an idea by reading the comments.
I honestly think that Obama will do absolutely nothing. He was elected president at one of the worst times now. He has to worry about a depression, homeless, etc... And now N Korea threatens. They are probably threatening us because we have so many problems at this time that its the perfect time to attack.
You seem pessimistic about USAs power and you are definetly over-estimating the power of N. Korea. N. Korea is nobody. Sure, he can do a bit of damage. But hypothetically, if N. Korea does nuke the US. What do you think will happen?
Indeed we do, but if we even make a move, they will fire regardless. Kim Jong said about two weeks ago that if the US tries to start another war with any other country they will wipe us off the planet. I agree that Obama will do nothing to stop them until they attack. So yes, if they decide to strike, many innocent will die. I also believe that the US's military equipment is far more advanced than for what we give it credit for. If they detect a missile is coming, I believe that they would be able to stop it before it reaches anyone. The point is, we need to stop Korea before they develop more and more powerful weaponary.
I don't think thats the case. They know we have a president with little to no backbone who is pre-occupied with a nation on the brink of corruption so they are trying to push us as far as we can go before we retaliate.
The NATO, EU and UN are not gonna sit by and let the world be destroyed in a war. The UN will blockade trade with a country that acts in a hostile way towards another member or a country outside one of the organisations a.k.a Collective Defense Simple formula:- One country threatens another country, the defendant country is a member of UN, UN blocks trade with the hostile country Country attacks another country, the defendant country is a member of NATO, NATO attacks with its army of 1 BILLION+ Also, North Korea country attacks the country that is basically the center of the world economy then North Korea is ****ed! They are probably only saying this because they will be aware of the current recession and think of themselves as the current Superpower in the world. I took a 2 year course on Modern Studies btw.........
One Billion, so 1/6 of the worlds people is in the military and NATO. I hope that the N.A.U is formed, it seems promising.
Still is an arguement drawn up on ingnorance. If your looking at the comments on an Anti-American Video then of course there going to be like that. However it's a minority of people that say that. It is like going to a Neo-**** rally in a particular area and then saying that everyone in that area is in fact a Neo-****. Its a sweeping statement that is based on little substantial fact which generalises it to everyone.
True, I'm just saying that most Americans feel hated, and it makes you think that since one hates you, everyone hates you. If five kids at school don't like you, and you have no friends then I would assume you would believe that everyone in that school hates you.
Thats not what he meant I don't think. I believe he added the pop up. Technically because citizens do support military with taxes and the creation of supplies it is over 1 billion people working together.
hello my thougt on al of this is that our pro-peace president would not do anything but steal from the the rich give to the poor damn robin hood
Thank you for that opinion. I'm sure every member that is graced by these two beautiful lines will be eternally enlightened. IMO, King Jon Il will die off and N Korea will stop grabbing for attention. They know that they could be finished with 1 nuke, so they won't do ****.