I suppose so. But that just means that they haven't really seen many of our maps. The select few that came up in the Humpday were nice, but we could have really showcased some really nice competitive maps for all of the Halo community to see. --dc
Yeah i believe it is an art form, but remember, not everybody is an artist (By the way, i am an excellent artist). So if a person who is apply for guilders and has some pretty decent maps that are fun and doesn't include any interlocking, do you think he should be turned down because of that?
Not entirely, but it does look alot neater when you do Interlock, but again look at the map first then judge is what I say. It's not like every forger knows how to do the Interlocking glitch and others in that catagory, but that dosn't make them bad at it.
Interlocking is a good technique. I noticed also that if you don't interlock your maps will be frowned upon.
I dont gte how 2 interlock more than 2 thing, i only have made 2 boexs go 2gether it was so pretty :squirrel_giggle:
i know, thats what i am saying, look at it before turning it down. Like they say, "never judge a book by its cover..."
You could set up a map without interlocking, as a rough sketch or a test map to make sure your ideas work well... then go back and fine tune it and polish it with interlocking techniques. I agree that maps shouldn't be ignored just because they don't include interlocking techniques. But with most communities like this there is a desire in some people to establish a "pecking order", perhaps justified and perhaps not.
Exactly. Interlocking DOES take time, so you might want to make a Functional copy before interlocking, but interlocking is the icing on the cake of a good map. If you don't interlock, you better have a damned good reason, or people won't even take you seriously.
I don't even like icing. But see, you said that if we didn't have interlocking, we should have a pretty damn good reason. Why should i? Whats so important about it. people can still make very neat maps without the help of interlocking.
Yes you can make neat maps without it, but I know of only one reason why it was better for the map NOT to interlock rather than to do so. It makes maps look SO much better, proves you are a competent forger, and also shows dedication to your maps/
People who doesn't interlock can be as dedicated to their maps as people who do. Maps that are interlock aren't always what people expect them to be. Scenario- You'd see one map with interlock, and another w/o. But you insist on checking out the one with interlocking. Only finding that it was very dull and boring, while the non-interlocked map was tons of fun and got no publicity. This is what's making me talking about the whole interlocking idealology now..
Well, I generally don't know if a map is interlocked before I check it, but non-interlocked maps have caught my attention before when perusing, but they have generally been fail. DISCLAIMER: all generalizations are false. I don't remember the last time somebody was able to interlock and do something innovative.
well i have. My map has only 1 object interlocked. And thats border patrol 2. Its very innovative with VERY LITTLE interlocking.
Practical uses of interlocking: 1. Cures awkward grenade bounces transitioning between boxes/walls, and under boxes (merging). 2. Fixes tiny site lines in between walls that can hurt gameplay 3. Smoother to run across and reduces those bumps that throw your aim off THATS the big deal with interlocking.
Not actually! those are just snall simple reasons. i want to know the BIG DEAL with interlocking. People praise it like god! Not all objects can be grenade jumped just because interlocking wasn't introduced to it, and what do you mean,"tiny lines between walls that can hurt gameplay?"
Shihuru, I have a map which is interlocked, and another map which has almost no interlocking. If you would like, I'll put the bad version on my file share, and you tell me which one Looks, plays, and feels better.