This is my first time ever editing anything, so don't expect it to be like it's made by Phurion. YouTube - Neon Ninjas :: The Ninjatage
Pretty cool. Wish there were some more multi's but, it was pretty cool. Warthog/The Pit ninjas were my fav. Good job =D 9/10
I have competition? the fact that you try to get them are kind of bad, your not supposed to sit there.. your supposed to be in action, then ninja.
Eh, it was okay. Nothing special. Needs a lot more multi-kills; I only saw four or five. I mean, there was an occasional good clip every once in a while, but it could use more of those "OMGWTF" moments. Know what I mean? And some clips look staged. Not saying they are, it's just that certain ones look that way.
Great video ad pretty funny, but I think you need to et some MLG ninjas. They are a lot more rewarding cause you don't have a bubble shield or a radar.
Lost my attention about 30 second in. Obviously due to to the fact that none of them were special nor were they original. I agree with Blaze, play some MULGE.