MMORPG for Xbox?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ryan, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. Ryan

    Ryan Ancient
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    I havent been able to find any mmorpg's for xbox, or heard about them.
    Does anybody know of any?
    Games kinda like WOW, with servers and stuff.
  2. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    None really like WoW, the only one I know for sure has a demo on the marketplace

    Phantasy Star: Universe

    It's ok I guess, only 3 different classes, and even then, they aren't that much different. It's not open ended like WoW is, it has different stages that you grind in. It's ok I guess, I only tried the demo though.
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Final Fantasy XI is the most popular MMORPG on XBL ATM. yuss....three acronyms.

    anywho, I've heard that its EXTREMELY time consuming, moreso than WoW or any other game of the genre to date.

    Final Fantasy XIV (I believe) is slated to be a completely new MMO for Xbox and its supposed to launch within the next couple of years, probably early 2010.
  4. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I think the best MMORPG out yet is Sacred 2, The skills, stats, attributes, bonuses, etc. go into such details it's amazing. The only downside of it is you can only have 4 players in one world. The world is huge though, with giant monsters and awesome quests. You really need to check it out if you are into MMORPGs, at least rent it.
  5. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    I dont belive that is an MMO its a regular RPG on the Xbox/pc.

    The only ones I know about are the ones people have said above.

    Theres a new one exclusive to 360 and PC called Chamions Online.
    Its about Super Heroes-Villains, looks pretty good I might get it.

    Champions Online Official Site
  6. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Too Human actualy had decent gameplay, if they would have come up with a better multiplayer system, and added more than just 4 levels, and maybe thrown in a free roam element, it might be worth buying, but in it's current state, the game is absolute trash.
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Give this one a look.
  8. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Phantasy Star Universe... you can get the demo on live, its pretty popular. Sort of fun, but I got bored of it, due to my preference towards PC MMO's.
  9. Ryan

    Ryan Ancient
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    Alright cool
    I think Im gunna try out Phantasy Star: Universe when I get a chance to get on the Xbox.
  10. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    wow that one looks awesome. I got 1 question though, does it have a online fee?

    EDIT: Nvm it does, I'm already paying for gold.
    #10 Willmatic, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  11. Ryan

    Ryan Ancient
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    I checked out Phantasy Star on youtube, it doesnt look like an MMO?
    So ima give Champions a look.
  12. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I'm not sure if the old ones on the PS2 were an MMO (they probably werent) but I know for a fact the 360 version is an MMO, I've played it myself.
  13. Ryan

    Ryan Ancient
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    Alright cool. =D
    Ima try it now xD
  14. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Also Huxley, Kingdom Under Fire II, Marvel MMO, Marvel Universe Online, and Stargate worlds are other future MMO's being made for the 360.
  15. GD Creations

    GD Creations Ancient
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    i don't want an mmo for xbox, plz no. i don;t want WoW happening to xbl.
  16. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    If it had what you just said Too Human would be nearing awesome status. It was a good game but could've easily been made so much better.

    On topic: I have never seen or even heard of a proper MMORPG on xbox 360. Well not one like WoW (which is awesome btw and if none of you play it you should burn your arms off) The only games even close would be just single player rpg's like oblivion and final fantasy i guess. If you want a MMORPG just go play PC (aka WoW)
  17. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    FFXI is on the 360, it's an MMO. It is more comparable to WoW than Phantasy Star Universe but is still its own beast. And what a beast it is!

    I have FFXI, and, well, it dominates your life if you let it. It is far more time consuming and requires much more effort than the likes of WoW but it's also more rewarding and there's always stuff to do. If you want a true MMO on the 360 then FFXI is the closest you're gonna get.

    Yes, I have the game and I played it for a few months, managed to drag myself away for 2 years, and started playing again a few months ago. I think it's safe to say I'm hooked now.

    Like, as far as I'm aware (I haven't played WoW), but with WoW I believe you choose a class and that's it, your pretty much stuck with that class for that character. Each class is more flexible than FFXI but it's still just one class, it also doesn't take too long to get to End-Game stuff and have a fully leveled character. (Information compiled from FFXI players that have played WoW)

    In FFXI however you choose a class (or "Job" as we call them) and it's a very specific role. The Job you choose directly correlates to the role you will play, if it's a healing job, you heal, if it's a tanking job, you tank, there's no flexibility. However, in FFXI you can change between jobs at the drop of a hat, so if you decide "Oh god Healing is not for me, I wanna bash stuff" then you switch to a different job, no biggy.

    The thing about FFXI is though that's it's more of a grind, there's not so much "Instant Gratification". It will take you a looooooong time to fully level a job and reach End-Game. (I've been playing almost a year's worth of time and have yet to even fully level one job! though I do take my time)

    So if you're looking for an MMO where you can quickly reach uber levels and do all the big stuff than FFXI is not for you, WoW is better for that (But isn't on the 360). But, if you enjoy the social aspect, forging communities, and the everlasting journey to improving your character then FFXI is a great game.

    I believe WoW is more popular due to it being a bit easier, and more "pick up and play" friendly. You can quickly get into the End-Game stuff and tuck in. FFXI requires more commitment, but is also a deeper game because of it.

    FFXI is also multi-platform, so you're playing with people on 360, PC and PS2. That brings about its own fun moments :D

    I guess your choices are Phantasy Star Online and FFXI. I'd look into them both and see which one is for you. Just giving you my 2 cents from the viewpoint of someone who plays one of those MMO's on the 360. I can't give you any information regarding Phantasy Star Online other than it exists :D

    Oh, one warning though regarding FFXI. There is no singleplayer, it's online or nothing (but that's what you wanted right?) You pretty much can't do ANYTHING on your own either. You will NEED to make friends with other people online and work together (Most things require a party of 6 people with a healthy mix of jobs). Not a game to play if you're a loner!

    Of course, you can always hit me up if you need some help getting started ;)
    #17 buddhacrane, Jul 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2009
  18. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Yes, cause Xbox is gonna force you to play such games against your will ya (insert degrading word here).

    @Buddah- Now you got me thinking of trying FF, since i cant get my wow fix anymore.
  19. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I'd rather not play FFXI ( don't get me wrong it looks awesome) because there is a monthly charge on it. I'm already paying for Xbox live! Why should I pay for another game by itself? If I got tired of that game for awhile I would want to play a different one for awhile but the charge would still be going until I started playing again.
  20. DrClutch

    DrClutch Ancient
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    That Is Correct. It will be coming out sometime around March 2010

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