Sandbox Out Break

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Crippled Hobo, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    Download Out Break
    Contamination Gametype

    I started making Out Break with the image of a small town in my mind. I wanted to make it so that there were numerous buildings with a lot of floors, tunnels and most importantly, hiding places (it is an infection map after all). I made a lot of changes during construction to add to the game play, unfortunately it took quite a lot from the aesthetics.

    When I was half way through the map I made a lot of changes to the initial idea, making only 6 building in all, however these building are all connected in different ways such as bridges over the rooftops or secret tunnels underground. I also made an entrance to a building where it is possible for the survivors to block of the main exit, leaving only one more way in for the zombies to come. This all adds to the team playing scenario where communication between the survivors is the key.

    The map may look small but it really isn't! Inside the buildings there are a lot of floors and hidden places.
    And I'm sorry for the lack of pictures, it is hard for me to take pictures of the inside of the map as part of the fun of the game is figuring out the hiding spots and secret passages.



    Zombie Spawn

    The Zombies Spawn in the sky bubble on a platform. There are two platforms either side with teleports on taking you to the main map. The teleports aren't accessable to the zombies for the first 30 seconds of the game, giving the survivors a chance to hide. After the 30 secinds, the gloomy FX spawns symbolising night and the zombies are then able to access the teleports, the start of the game. I actually got this idea of another map, i've just forgotten who it was that made it, if you feel you should be credited im happy to do so.

    Blockable Entrances
    The survivors are able to shoot the grav lift to make the column drop down and block the door, forcing the zombies to attack from the roof.

    Roof Entrance

    Abandoned Shop


    The abandoned shop is accessible but only from a tunnel in a different building.

    Final Thoughts
    I feel like the map turned out very well on the gameplay side, giving numerous hiding places and also giving the zombies different ways to infiltrate the buildings. The map is extremely fun to play with big party's as the map may look small, but it isn't, the number of floors make up for the little area of the map that is used.

    I really hope you enjoy the map! Please comment and give constructive criticism as this is my very first infection map.

    Contamination Gametype
    Download Out Break
    #1 Crippled Hobo, Jul 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2009
  2. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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  3. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    erm... Thank you?
  4. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    your probably gonna get infracted for that.

    AS for the map it looks astounding especially the use of the columns for the doors and the tunnel i will dl this.
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    No, he WILL get and infraction, or maybe a warning.

    A question. If you can escape this, then isn't it possible for the humans to run away and camp somewhere else? Or can humans not get out of the buildings? The aesthetics in this are pretty good from what I can see, maybe it would work better if this was built in the crypt?
  6. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    I really want to see more of this map!

    From what I can see, it looks well forged and well planned. However, I would like to see MOAR!

    I'll download this sucker and check it out. My only concern is that the single tunnel entrance to that one building might create a zombie choke point, especially if the survivors have access to ammo in that building.
  7. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    You can escape out of the designated area, but it would be suicide lol. The zombies are lethal outside of the comfort of the camping spots inside the buildings. Out in the dunes, your a sitting duck.

    The humans can lock them selves in the buildings but there's always a way out, you just might have to get a gravity lift or find the right tunnel.

    Do you mean the roof entrance after the door is closed?
    If you are, there is more than just that way to access the building after it has been blocked off.


    Just another quick thing, I was wondering if anyone could play this map with maybe like 8 friends, and tell me how the game play gets on. If you do play it, please TRY to find vital flaws that greatly affects the running of the game play. Also please tell me your views on the balance of the teams and the game type that I've provided.
    If you want me to add, move, delete or replace any objects, I'm happy with your suggestions and I'll see how it works out.

    I am ready to change any problems that you may find and i'm ready to add any suggestions that you might think would heighten the fun factor and gameplay because I would like to make this a fun map. Can you also give me suggestions for the game type because I'm not entirely sure it will work.

    (i know people will probably say "get the tester guild", but I'm just looking for a quick point of view so I can update the map.)
    #7 Crippled Hobo, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009

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