here is article, tell me what you think? i hope its real, but i think it's fake.
it's possible because it says it's a hack, but i don't think bungie will let it spread to the wider community (if its real)
It probably is real. It does say it's been hacked. I've never met a hacker who's lied about something like this (I've never met one). Plus, those kinds of pictures look to real to be photo-shopped. Boy, if I'm wrong...
Its probably real. I've seen a modded map before. It wasn't real that cool, but this one looks neat. This is just an unlikely idea Maybe Bungie will do this to other maps and have them change during diffrent seasons.
that is a pretty cool idea, but as you said probably unlikely. Snowbound in Summer? :squirrel_wtf: LOLOL
That looks pretty sweet, but if it's not on bungie, it fake. But it's not a real map actually, just a mod so...
modded map...and these pics were released before April 1st. The were released on 3/29. It is a modded map. And Bungie even commented on it: posted here before April 1st P.S. its on the bottom of page
I would actually probably like vahalla BETTER if it were snowy. It looks cleaner and just better all around.