Sandbox Shi No Numa

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Shi no numa

    Ths is shi no numa. i knew the second i played on this map,which is the new **** zombie map for Call of Duty Waw, that i had to try to make it.
    I made this map very fast. so i know that its not the best forging, i know, i wasnt really trying to make the nicest and hugest map ever. but if you have to criticize me for it than go ahead. also the mystery box is only in one place. this is because i hit the object limit. but the mystery box does work if you follow the description by the picture. there is "Juggernaut" i n each hut as a perk. This map was alot nicer but i had to delete the trees and water that i made so that i could make the spawn points. And There is a deployable cover next to the door of each hut serving as the electronic barrier. Oh and the last and most inportant thing, you CAN get out of the map. it is fairly easy. that is why this map requires some honor rules. which is dont go outsinde the map, and if you find yourself outside it on accident get back in. This makes it funner for everyone.

    Whole map
    Doctors quarters
    comm room
    fishing hut
    the flogger is a fusion coin that drops for 10 seconds once you destroy the pallet
    the mystery box
    Ok you shoot the fusion coil untill the grav lift blows up.
    The guns fall to the ground. the grav lift spawns again after 10 seconds so you have time but be ready. after about 5-7 seconds go up to the box and hold down the button to pick up guns. after the grav lift spans the guns get pushed up and you get a random one.[​IMG][/URL]

    Hope you enjoy it.

    #1 cowboypickle23, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  2. sonofnight94

    sonofnight94 Ancient
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    I have not played the newest Zombie map yet, so I do not know how accurate a remake this is, however, when people I know are online all we do is customs and our **** Zombies maps are definite favorites, so I'll download this and add it to the mix.


    edit: I download and tested it alone. One thing I noticed is that the flogger doesn't work well once the mancannon spawns. In some cases, the fusion coil flew out of the level and never exploded
    #2 sonofnight94, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  3. Demonic Bunnies

    Demonic Bunnies Ancient
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    Looks nice! I would get the **** zombie maps, but I don't like paying 1600 MS points for 2 maps. I like the mystery box thing, what stops you from taking all the weapons though, can't someone just keep switching weapons to pull all of them out?
  4. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    no you can only take one weapon, cause there is a split second where you can grab the guns and after that the grav lift pushes them out of reach
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Looks good, but it would help if you showed us just how accurate the layout is. It may well LOOK like the map, but if the layout isn't the same, it all goes to waste. But anyways, the map looks pretty win. Nice job. If you glitch the map, maybe in a V2, you could improve aesthetics a bit. But all up, great job.

  6. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    I dont have the game this is based on, but this still looks like a good map. I like the random gun thing; interesting idea.
  7. cdn xxraiderxx

    cdn xxraiderxx Ancient
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    I havn't played the new zombie map but i see that you put a bit of effort into this. for a V2 i would reccomend making the walls a little higher. overall it looks like a good map
  8. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    mini review

    sup kid? i like this here map idea, since im making a remake of this too. mines gona be more detailed im sure..

    also i doesnt look like you ran out of objects... there arent that many to make this map... maybe im wrong but from the looks it doesnt look like its maxed

    anyways the buildings (all) are pretty neatly designed from my eyes can see.
    if only it was bigger... thatd make it a lot more accurate. great idea with the flogger. sept it doesnt seem like it would actually kill anyone... since the coils blow them back and the flogger is a 1 shot kill thing. also you should work on on the switches being actual "switches" not a couple shots, for this wastes the users ammo and makes them frustrated.

    a few questions:
    -where do the zombies spawn?
    -are the weapon placements accuarte to the game?
    -are there any weapons? (i dont see any on the walls in the pics except for random box)

    all in all im gona give this map a 3/5 since it lacks accuarcy and the map can be broken... which is never good. especially when you have friends that like to cheat
  9. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    yes there are all of the weapons. they are on the walls. only the arisaka and the bettys arent on this map just cause i ran out of wepon holders. and yes i did run out of stuff. the zombies obviously spwan outside the map. it is accurate to the map. i will put the layout picture in to see so you can see it. and again i would have made it better in fact i had it way better but i had to delete alot of details so that i could finish the actual level. cuase yes i did hit the object limit.
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    okay well some zombies do spawn in the swamp area so in v2 you should add some spawns in there for the zombies.

    also maybe put up some pics of the interior of the main house? you have one with the random box but id liketo see more :)
  11. Kitten Stomp

    Kitten Stomp Ancient
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    This map looks great! A copy of a great World at War zombie map! I wouldn't say it's a perfect remake, but pretty darn close. Once again great map.
  12. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    once again, cant make more spawns(object limit). but thanks for all the great comments
  13. Eternal Reconnaissance

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    Well, it does look good for being made so fast, but don't you think that spending all the time you should to make it perfectly forged would have made it even better? Then you wouldn't require honor rules, it would look more accurate, and maybe play out better as well. The flogger isn't a bad idea, but it could be made much better to feel like that flogger. Also, you should include interior pictures, maybe have made a moving RWB and then just possibly explained how the zombie spawn works. For right now, I give the map a 7/10.

    This map could be so much better, if you just improve the quality get rid of the honor rules, and then create a better **** zombie system. If you make a version 2, tell, me, and I'll check it out. But unless you make another version, one that looks better, this map isn't worthy of my already low on memory hard-drive. The problem with the map is that it was rushed. But if you fix this, then the map may very well be a popular infection map.
  14. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Nice map, good forging, but I believe you forgot to add respawn points for the zombies. Even though you hit the item limit, respawn points are essential.
  15. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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  16. gibson1027

    gibson1027 Ancient
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    Yes Well this is pretty good it really doesnt look like you ran out of $1500 So you should add the roof and make it bigger but it's pretty good other than those flaws and if you want to help me make the Veruckt map then add me on xbox live and send me a message...
  17. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    The forgeing does look very poor, but i like the double chance weapon box. its a lot simpler too, but you should make it spawn slower. it looks like there may be some trouble with gameplay but i wont know till i play.

    also idea i just came up with. have the fusion coil spawn randomly after it blows up... 1 minimum. and you have to look for it to use it. eh?
  18. E.R.SLiM

    E.R.SLiM Ancient
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    im srry but this is to small to be a remake. but good try. it would have been better if u made the walkways bigger and longer also make a roof.
  19. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    I like the flogger idea and the electric barrier idea.

    However, a zipline could the gameplay of the map. Also some screen shots inside the main house and the other houses could help get a better feel of the map.

    Nice remake though.
  20. f4f

    f4f Ancient
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    The map looks good but not too accurate to the original map. Wheres the zipline, perk machine,swamp,windows,and electric barrier. Needs more pics of the inside of the structures, maybe a gameplay picture.I dont see how anyone would be able to copy hell hounds,the perk machines, and the teddy bear effect good luck dark soul to making a good remake.

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