Our City normally closes down the bridge (BTW, record holding bridge for longest Bridge over shortest span of water ) and shoot fireworks over the park, but this year there is work being done to the bridge so half of it is closed down... The side closest to where the fireworks get shot.
you guys should smoke a lot of pot for canada its is your sacred duty as a canadian to tell of your pot related stories
Well, in Saskatchewan we have a Giant pot industry. Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Otherwise, its illegal still.
That's what makes canada so much fun! Sometimes you can and sometimes you can't, and you can outrun a "police man" on his moose when you shoot somebody.
Canada.. woo.. I'm not very patriotic. Non-Canadians: Keep the stereotypes down a notch. Only Canadians can make fun of Canadians. Okay, well, I got to go and play some hockey while drinking molson canadian and wearing my toque. Then I have to ride my polar bear to school, but after school does someone want to meet me at tim hortons? ...Eh?
Dude. School is over. We don't have to ride our polar bears to school for two months. Which Tims? The one on Main, or the one across from the one on main?
RST: Come to Canada, you'll figure it out very soon. ...um ... I... have summer school... Ya. I failed maple syrup class. And I was thinking of the underground Timmy's below the one across from the one on main. Happy Canada Day!
To celebrate Canada day, I started today off with Pancakes and Maple Syrup. After that, I played video games 'til I went to a friend's house where we played hockey with others while listening to Canadian bands like Rush, Billy Talent, Cancer Bats, Alexis On Fire, etc. I'm hoping to end today with a diner of oven fries with gravy and graded Cheese, home made Poutine FTW.
OOOoooOOOoooOOO I decline your offer.. How can you fail maple syrup class? Just put some Jack in the mix!
Happy Canada Day neighbor! Today is almost as awesome as Canadian Thanksgiving in America. No I'm serious, more of us know you're Thanksgiving date over your birthday. Spoiler That's why America is so awesome. We're so simple. What do we name the day we we're founded? Some call it Independance Day. Others it's the B-Day. To most it's July 4th. Now to figure out how people forget the date of July Fourth. But today is your day! Enjoy! And RedNeck.... NY FTW!