
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Conkerkid11, Jul 1, 2009.


How Do You Think Velocity Looks So Far?

  1. Feature NAO!

    6 vote(s)
  2. Simply Amazing

    7 vote(s)
  3. Good

    1 vote(s)
  4. Kind of Good... I guess...

    3 vote(s)
  5. It's Garbage... Complete Garbage...

    1 vote(s)
  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    By now I'm sure most of you recognize me for a couple of my previous maps such as the ever-so popular Castle Crashers. Or the beloved Affliction. But none of my previous work will ever compare to the project I have been slaving over for the past couple of days and plan on working on it for a couple more weeks at least. Velocity is a one of a kind masterpiece that exceeds what most would think is great forging and gameplay. Although I cannot compliment on the gameplay of Velocity, I can assure you that although un-complete, Velocity will be sure to pack in just enough gameplay experience to excite every player in your party even if they think they are super MLG pros. Velocity will be much like my map Affliction, but even better. Affliction had many problems such as the vehicles, and the overpowered defender base. Although the defender base on Velocity might look frightening, it merely gives the attackers more room to play in, and makes it highly impossible to spawn camp. Not saying that the bases will be the only places to spawn, but I recieved complaints that the warthog could ussually spawn camp players on Affliction, so expect no spawn camping on Velocity.​

    You might have also noticed the banner above is slightly better than most of my banners. Why might I be pointing this out? Because of my recent purchase of Photoshop CS4, I will no longer be limited by How will this increase the quality of my maps? Well it won't, but it makes for better banners, so deal with it.​

    Velocity is nowhere near being finished, but I fealt the need to provide you guys with a little preview. I will be updating this post weekly to provide newer pictures of the map, and updated information. But of course I'm only saying that, who says I'm really all that commited? I'm pretty sure nobody is even reading this paragraph, and that they all just skipped straight to the pictures. Well here they are I guess! Picture time, woot!​









    Updated Pictures




    I'm sorry for not making every picture of the map neat and cool like the first one. I really tried! I had what I was going to type up in each specific picture ready! But my computer is being slow, I'm hungry, and it's late. So deal with what I've got up now, and if you have nothing nice to say then don't say nothin'! Wait, don't say anything. If you didn't say nothing then you would be saying something, right? Lulz.. I broke my brain just now.​
    #1 Conkerkid11, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2009
  2. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    This has got me interested. It reminds me of Regicide, but with the space you've got I wouldn't be surprised if this plays better than it Regi. Well Conker, looking forward to you finishing it.
  3. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I came to this thread with my guns loaded. I read the opening and lol'd at your arrogance. Then I studied the pics. I was intrigued. It looks very interesting. The walkways grabbed my attention. I was surprised to see that the map looks good. Not just aesthetics, I can see how what you've made would work during gameplay. We'll see.
  4. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    lol He already used all of the Double Blocks. I remember you showing this in forge and it is definately pretty legit.
  5. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Reminds me of a map from James Bond Nightfire. I like it. I definitely like it. DON'T SCREW IT UP lol.
  6. EmoStreet

    EmoStreet Ancient
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    You should make a Mlg version and Normal version

    Look really good and has potenical (spelling is rubbish)
    to me i think of the end of starwars i don't know witch one but there in a city with lots of tall buildings but only this map is at the bottom and it sandy

    But keep up the good work
  7. Unsighted Milk

    Unsighted Milk Ancient
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    I like the way you put the slanted walls instead of the tilted walls that stood up straight. I also liked how you updated it and made it harder for the attackers to get in then before. I can't wait to see this map!
  8. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Looks good but it seems like you've already used most of your budget and you're not even covering half the map.
  9. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Don't worry MickRaider... I've got everything covered. The budget is fine. I'm planning on posting updated pictures of the map in a couple days so look out for the update... If you want me to sent you a message informing you of when I update this thread, please just ask me and I'll make sure to inform you...
  10. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    This map could act like Highground and have it almost one sided. I like the look of this map and it seems to have many lines of sight, one thing you might want to change is the name, Velocity isn't one of those names that pop-out, it needs a name that will look good on the front page. I'm glad to see this coming from you, Conker. :D

    Good luck.
  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Yeah, this is definately not the final name. I just needed something to call it while I was making it instead of calling it "Unnamed map preview." I don't like unnamed maps...
  12. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    LOL, i remember u inviting me 2 the game, u merged yourself under the map, so the gaurdians were shooting at a random spot on the ground, and i was liek WTF.

    anyways, ya, bad that u used basicly all of ur double blocks, use a lot of block huges from now on, i believe you still have a decent number of double walls, so i think this will get finished well. It looks great, cant wait till u post it.
  13. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Updated Pictures
    See gaiz! I stuck with what I said! I actually updated the OP! If I were really cool, I would replace the first couple of pictures that are out of date, but that would take time away from forging the map. The final name might not turn out to be Velocity, so when I'm testing my next map, don't be surprised if it isn't called Velocity.. I was told this name doesn't stick out. But in the end it's my decision. I don't care if the map gets the credit it deserves, all I care about is the final product, and the gameplay. God do I hope the gameplay comes out good! Thanks to all the people that have attempted to forge with me, but sadly, I'm going through this map to the very end on my own. I have tried and tried again to forge with others, but it never works out in the end. To all those who think they deserve credit for the map, you're wrong... So so very wrong. I have not went through with a single thing anybody has changed in the map. Everything on it is original, and mine! Don't try to steal my map, too many people know it's my map for that to work.





    By the way everybody, I'm sure most of what I'm about to say is not noticable. But practicaly everything I added to the map touching the ground is geomerged. Every huge ramp you see interlocked with a slit wall in that center structure is geomerged just slightly into the ground. No these aren't for looks, no these aren't pointless. Without that slight geomerge, there would be a bump when walking across so large that it would make you fly across the map.
    #13 Conkerkid11, Jul 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2009
  14. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Wow, This is quite amazing, some of the geomerges look fantastic, and I have played around on this a few times, and it looks extremely good, I am most worried about budget, and the fact you are out of Double blocks, but I surely can't wait to see where this goes.
  15. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    whats going to be behind the blue collumn base?

    BTW, im on vaccay conker, when i get back (3/4 days) i rlly want 2 help u.

    when do you think you will be done with this?
  16. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Well the next thing I'm going to forge up is an attacker base. I have yet to think of an idea for an attacker base so I'm asking all of you to kindly pitch in ideas if possible. Or what you like in an attacker base. But I'm sorry ROFL... It's already been said by me once. I'm not forging with anybody on this. It will be finished in about a week or so I assume. It all depends on how well the map plays in its final form.

    Edit: Although Zanitor might help me out... I'm not quite sure yet...
  17. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Hmm. Well, I was never a big fan of Regicide, so I'm not sure I'm going to love this one, then. I don't really like that style of thin walkways, but maybe that's just because I fall off of them a lot and it always screws me over. ;)
  18. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    HUGE EGO @ Opening description

    This looks simply amazing. The different pathways and catwalks make it stand out. The aesthetics are pertty nice in the center and at the bases.

    When you test this, I will be there.
  19. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Lulz, is the huge ego thing a good thing or a bad thing? I was so excited to finaly announce my project that I might just have gotten a little too carried away, right?

    By the way everybody, I've started the attacker base. But it's pissing me off that T Walls will not go under the map with me, so the floor of the attacker base is getting a couple minor bumps here and there... Grrrr...
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    It looks good, but you may want to add more cover to some open areas (not speaking about the empty half of Sandbox) and in your 7th picture. It looks like you could grenade jump onto the walls and get on top of the structures. I suggest making another floor to that or adding onto the walls.

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