Well, looks like you just added in the bear and blurred it for depth, looks decent though, and please include the signature in your post, I can not quote you in a full reply and look at your sig at the same time.
Actually, the stocks were the girl standing in a forest, the train tracks, and Pedobear. I'll edit the sig in in a second.
well, the text could use a little repositioning, maybe just mess around with that a little. Your render or un-smudged bumblebee isn't very well blended in to the bg either. Another thing is how the render(k, I'm just going to call it a render, I know it could be a stock but still) is kinda over sharpend in the face and how the piece towards the right is just there...That piece really messes up what little depth this has. The c4d's are nice, although I don't like the one in the botton left corner or the one between his right arm(the one on my right) and his body. This sig has potencial but you didn't play it off very well. Slightly blur the piece of bee to the right, this will hopefully give a little more depth. Undo some of the sharpening on the face, add some more effects the ones that are there are solid it just seems a little lacking. Mess around with your text placement some. Mess around with the rotation color and placement of your c4ds. Maybe try a gradient map also. Although, this is better than your other and is a overall ok sig.
Could I have a full review from Hells? He is like my lover ;D. Haha just kidding but seriously. Bob, review mine xD
Did you do that gradient map? If so what did you set it to? Text is in a good spot, but could stand to be closer to the focal, keep moving it around and see what happens. The face sharpening is better, but bee still isn't very well blended. The piece on the right looks like it still could use a tad of blurring imo. Do you know how long those take? Nah, I'll see what I can do. Well, the focal is nice and defined, but other than op there isn't anything else in the sig. Op also seems lq and blurry here. I don't like how in some areas the light color from the bg comes on top of op, but you could have a nice start of a sig here. Another thing that could use some work is the flow, maybe try adding some effects because this piece is really lacking in those. The text could really use some work, right now its to attention grabing. Maybe try some adjustment layers. But definatly fix the blandness. Well, it is better, but it still needs blending. I don't like the lighter jagged lines on the right either. The text could use some work, but I'm not sure as to what do do, its more of a trial and error process. So just fix the blending and you shouold be good as far as effects.
I made 2 versions of this sig, a small one and a large one. I like the small one better, but I wanted a second opinion. Large: Spoiler Small Spoiler CnC please.
what did you set the gradient maps to? Because I'm not liking all that darkness, thats why I asked in my previous review. I like the small version also, but the text could use some work, once again I'm not sure as to what exactly to do with it just mess around with position and color some. Another thing I don't like is the bright logo thing in the left side. The smudging on the edges of the render doesn't looks good either. Especially on the left side. Well, it has nice color and flow, but I'm not a big fan of the border, or the light c4d that goes out towards the right from her, it goes against the flow of the sig. Other than that, not much to say...Maybe try some different text if you feel like it. A bit better lighting could be used to.
overlay, 100% opasity on the black and orange one and 87.8% on the blue and black. I also see that i have another blue and black one at 29.8%. Im thinking 'bout lowering the orange and black opasity.