Necrubis- City of the Dead

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Mander, May 23, 2009.

  1. MlgObiWan

    MlgObiWan Ancient
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    Mander, when are you going to do the YouTube video for this map? This map is reaaly fun and I think you should put it on youtube since your paratroxity video was so good.
  2. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    I like the fact that you added in different structures from different movies, making the map seem much more varied. Also, making changes shows us that you are dedicated to making the map the best it can be.

    +1 Variance
    +1 Originality (I would have given +2 if building random buildings to hide in before zombies get released after [this] amount of time had not been done before)
    +1 Cool Name

    It is definitely worth a download, but a few minor problems. If you are as dedicated to the map as I think you are, they should be fixed within the hour (how's that for motivation?).

    I like that you set the doors to be bordered up for the Dawn of the Dead mall, but you clearly said that the only way in is through the roof. By doing that they only have one way to get in, leading to an easily camp-able room. And what about when the zombies get released? If they can only get out one door, why not have the whole party camp right in front of it to kill each and every one that comes out?

    A cool would be to maybe be creative on ways to have the humans close the doors of the buildings they go into (A map called Close The Door uses barrels).

    One final piece of advice, a map never has a final version. Always somebody that takes that maps, makes it better, and posts it back.

    Teh sCoRe: 8/10
  3. cdn xxraiderxx

    cdn xxraiderxx Ancient
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    THIS MAP LOOKS AMAZING!!!! I'll download and give it a rating after i test it.

    also, shroomz, if you dont like the map, don't look at it, if you dont got anything good to say, don't say anything at all. and your probably older then me (im only 13) which means you really should get some manners.
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    So basically only people that like maps should respond, huh? How is a person supposed to get better at forging and making game types if only a handful of people post like you? I try to point out issues that I see. People can listen to my advice or choose not to, that's their decision. No map is perfect. Every map has issues.

    Kids like you do absolutely nothing for the forum... except increase the number of registered users. You don't provide any feedback on how maps can be improved and only post junk like "This is awesome. 5/5."

    A 5/5 would indicate that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the map and no piece is out of place. It's original, fair to every player, and fun. There should be zero places that a single person or group of people can get a major advantage over everyone.

    As for manners, I have them if the person is worth it. As far as I can tell...
    you don't have breasts, you're not a friend, and you don't have anything I need, so I could care less about what you think about me. People that know me, know I go out of my way for them. Those are the people that I give a damn about... not some 13 year old from Canada that I met over the internet.

    How about if you don't like what I have to say, then don't read it.
  5. cdn xxraiderxx

    cdn xxraiderxx Ancient
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    It's even better in-game! with 16 people its great and i love the game type, it makes the game challenging yet very fun.

    ok shroomz i see your point. also i don't give a damn about red necks that i met over the internet.
    #45 cdn xxraiderxx, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Well I guess if everyone south of the Canadian border is a redneck, that would make everyone north of it a hoser... so take off, eh.
  7. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Both of those issues you brought up are not problems in the final version. You can't camp in front of the zombie spawn since I made it close quarters giving the zombies a huge advantage (I had already thought of this possible issue and playtested it numerous times, and it is suicide to camp at the zombie spawn).

    And same thing with the mall, it's not unfair to camp there. Yes after the front gets borded up there is only one way into the mall but that area is also close quarters giving the advantage to the zombies. (I had also thought of this and rigorously playtested it and zombies can infiltrate the mall without too much hassle.

    Plus, you have to remember that ammo is very limited, and humans cannot last long before they're forced to go on an ammo run.

    That's why this is the final version, I've logged over 50 hours of playtesting into it and found, thought of, and fixed every issue that this map has.

    Thanks for constructive criticism though, I really do appreciate it!

    And Shroomz, stop trolling man, if anything the comments on this thread have more than proved you wrong...
    #47 Mander, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2009
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    My last couple of posts had absolutely nothing to do with your map in general, they were in response to a comment made to me.

    If people honestly believe that your map is perfect, then kudos to you. Nice work. I never had anything against you. I pointed out things that, in my opinion, were faulty. I still believe that this map is not a 5 star map... a definite 4 star, but alas... the masses of 15 year olds have spoken.

    It would be interesting to know if those kids still actually play ( or have ever played ) the map with your game type... or are now raping zombies with lower settings.
  9. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    Awesome Map Mander!! This is probably your best infection map. What suprises me about this map is the geo-merges that you did in here that no one takes time to recognize. Definately 10/10
  10. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    This is a pretty nub question, but is there only one way to get into the mall once the front door is boarded up?
  11. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    I just tested out the map. It was fun, but you should give the humans a better fighting chance with more weapons and maybe a few powerups. That would spice up the game.
  12. MlgObiWan

    MlgObiWan Ancient
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    Wow, do you know what I just noticed? The lights are inside the walls! How did you do that Mander?
  13. a Slim Thug

    a Slim Thug Ancient
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    Amazing. That's the first word that came to mind when I first scrolled through the screen shots. The map looks pristine and meticulously forged, to say the least. I'm a general with a 50 in Slayer and Doubles, but I play a lot of social including crazy custom games and I LOVE Infection. Thank you so much for this! I'm going to download this right now and try to get a full party going! Thanks again, great job!

    Edit: I just played an entire 8 rounds with a few friends and randoms from social big team and the game-play was epic. 14-16 people the entire time and it was always a different game each round. A couple rounds involved the humans camping in the convenience store but once one zombie got through it was all over. All in all, a great infection map and great game-play! If anyone here is up for running a 16 player game hit me up. GT: a Slim Thug. :]
    #53 a Slim Thug, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  14. iMpact

    iMpact Ancient
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    I Think this is a great map but has one major problem. I played this with about
    10 people and the only thing people did was sit in the mall the whole game and barely anybody got infected. I suggest making zombies have shields with less damage resistance, not no shields.
  15. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    this is one of the more solid and outstanding maps out there, i remember playing with you a month back and i remember being last man standing. and how well you made the gametype it was creepy as @$!& (ill let you put your own word there). the buildings are extreamly realistic and i love every one. also the armoury (im not sure if you edited it out) was also fantasic. 5/5 all the way.
  16. Dont

    Dont Ancient
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    Hey, I've played this before and like your ammo shop idea a lot. Ammo runs are freaky and suspensful!
  17. thrame

    thrame Ancient
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    dude looks awesome for infection but maybe you could modify it a bit for rpg where people walm around living there lives i will DL
  18. jaydawg116

    jaydawg116 Ancient
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    dude, this is the BEST infection map that i have ever encountered. it really challenges the players with choices (such as which building to use as a defence, when to get more ammo, etc.), and so much more. this map made me feel like I was somebody in 30 days of night, just the feel that I had to stay barricaded and couldn't walk in the street without being spotted was just mervelous!

  19. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    Okay, this is the best infection map ever, and I'm not even exaggerating. I was hosting a big custom game last night and I didn't have any good infection maps, so I went on ForgeHub real quick, and downloaded the first infection map I saw. And I'm glad this one was the first I saw.

    I love how the weapons respawn in one spot, it's not cheap at all because if people try to camp in the shop they get owned because zombies come in behind them through the roof. There's so many choices each round, so every time is a different experience! The mall is great, I love the escalators and the aesthetics. The only, and I mean only flaw I find in this map is the small building where there's only one entrance that you have to crouch through, it's just too hard for the zombies when the humans camp there. It's still fun though! I honestly like this map better than The City, it just has a lot more variety, and it has everything a city should have! Every infection fan NEEDS this map.

    4.9/5, JUST because of that small building. ;)
    #59 Fousu, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  20. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    + Great forging
    + Good idea with the teleporters
    + Love the 28 Days Later Tower (you earned extra points for that one, 2nd best movie of all time!)
    + Alot of variety for which building your gonna go to...

    - But players will usually got to the tower/mall

    One of those maps that you just cant delete off your hard drive!

    Score: 8.5/10

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