Honor Rules. Love em or hate em.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Urban Myth, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I personally hate them. I just got booted from a game of Halo on Halo for using the sniper (the long circular track where humans drive mongueese along the track and the zombie gets a SNIPER and rockets). I message the party leader "WTF?" and he says "no using the sniper." I've never liked "honor rules" but he had an option to make it so you spawn with a rocket and no sniper. It's just comeplete stupidity in my opinion.
  2. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Some games require honor rules. Clue, Tremor Blast, and Cat N' Mouse all require honor rules to play properly. That party leader was just lazy and couldn't be bothered to fix it. If I were in your case, I would have gone for the overkill. :)
  3. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Rockets are more fun anyways on that game.

    Basically rusty said the truth.
    #3 the other dark, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Obviously anybody would hate them, and you would try to not use them if you didn't have to.

    But sometimes they are a necessary evil.
  5. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I know for certian games it's understandable but yeah in my case the leader wasn't lazy, just stupid. =)

    But I'm also talking about games like "cops and robbers" where you get booted for killing... in infection... the game where you're suppose to infect... infecting requires killing... see what I'm getting at?

    By the way I killed him and got booted. So no overkillage =/
    #5 Urban Myth, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  6. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Shoot faster next time ;]

    Oh, and play with better people.
  7. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Or a better game =)

    I like my simmilar version of the game better haha.
  8. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I only understand and like (sometimes) honour rules when they are used to expand gameplay beyond the basic boundaries implemented in Halo. They are what I would call thinking outside the box. But when they are used in the said case as mentioned in topic and title post, we can in no way be in better accord.
  9. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    I'm not a fan of honor rules, because for me i have IRL friends that never follow them, but I cant exactly boot them cause I need them for a game. So I have to use a little muscle for enforcing them, which sometimes does the trick. But if there is no way to avoid them and they take more effort to break then to just play by the rules, then I'm ok with them.
  10. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I am assuming that either you, or the party leader was in a party? If so I have no sympathy. It's the main reason I hate microsoft's "parties" because EVERYBODY is always in a party and unable to talk to you.
  11. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Honestly he kept bitching about getting sniped haha. He never said anything about it not being aloud until I got booted.
  12. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    It depends. Games like Clue and Tremor Blast, as stated, do need to them to play as the original idea. If you went around killing everyone on Clue it would be Slayer with one life. So in someways it pushes the boundary of Halo as others have said and, if done right, can make it oh so fun.

    With things like not using snipers... well don't have them on the map. If you want an all AR game then set weapons to AR and no weapons on the map. I think it comes down to honour rules should be used for gametypes and if there is no way to emulate that rule on Halo, but if you can (such as the no sniper deal) then put in a bit of extra work and people can't moan then.
  13. 2woFace

    2woFace Ancient
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    I myself hate the idea of an honor system. The only time I have ever comprimised to this is halo 2 zombies. Otherwise it never works. Its hard enough to keep my friends from killing me in matchmaking. Now put them in a game and tell them not to use a scope. Yeah....
  14. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    I absolutely LOATHE any game that requires honor rules. That means what you think it means: I hate Tremors, Clue, Cops & Robbers, and Cat & Mouse. Consider me a purist, but I believe that only things which are possible in Halo should be done in Halo. I also believe that Halo's gametype and map editing options are so rich that each aforementioned game could probably be created in an honor rule-free fashion. As such, I quit out of any games that require honor rules - they show laziness and a lack of creative practicality on the part of the game/map's designer.
  15. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I think the only honor rules that are good, are the ones that are easy to understand and are the only way a game could work. If you can make a game with no honor rules, but decide to take the lazy route and make honor rules, that is what I despise. Some games, like Cat 'n' Mouse, have minor honor rules that normally can be played well even without an explanation. The games where you immediately catch on are the best ones, with or without honor rules. Others are just unfortunate that they have these rules, like Tremors, because if we could customize these rules further, like attacker and defender traits for CTF much like VIP, we could have a Honor Rule free game of Tremors. Although, if you understand these rules, they don't take anything away from the game, they're just as fun, if not better.
  16. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I only like honor rules when they are used to add something to a game that there is no way to do with forge. Otherwise they are a nuisance in my opinion.
  17. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Unless they actually get in the way of the gameplay, and make it annoying I couldn't care less about them.
  18. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    I don't care much for honor rules, if they're required then I really don't see a problem. But when I'm in customs and people make unnecessary honor rules i get a little ticked off as they're usually only used to give every other team a disadvantage.

    As for games like Tremors, Clue, or No Scopez, the honor rules are necessary, and like I said before I don't mind them, but when my friends decide to just do whatever the hell they want it really starts to piss me off. So I really try to avoid games that have complex rules, or just honor rules you really can't tell if someone is breaking, like in no scopez, you can't tell is anyone is scoping or not.

    As for the case of the OP, the whole point of that game is to use the snipers, and maybe the rockets (which I absolutely suck at, especially in blast off), and if the leader didn't want them, why not just go into forge and remove them?

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