My first try at Adobe After Effects. Also my first time using a video editing software. YouTube - XForgery Screentage HD
I think it could have been done better. Maybe you should have slowed it down a little. You only gave us about half a second to view a screenshot and the video just went by so quickly. I don't remember anything I just looked at because you crammed all the shots into a 1:52 window. Also, the credits were way too small. I couldn't even read anything in them because it was tiny. Next time: Slow it down Make the text larger Overall, you did a nice job on the presentation and the editing was impressive. Most screenshot montages I've seen have a "still" appearance and just show one screenshot after another. I like how you made it original in that sense. ~AmercanPsycho
Thats why I made it short. I hate sitting there for 5 minutes watching a powerpoint slide of screenshots. I just like to take a quick glimpse at the screenshots and pause at which ever the one I find attractive.
Lol, XF. But yeah, it's not bad but you could slow it down a bit. Also, I liked the music which is rare.