Epsilon I got nostalgic. I went back and started to forge on good ol' Foundry and I really like what I have gotten so far. Epsilon is going to be asymmetric and will use about 80% of Foundry. I have about a third of the map completed as of right now. One base is in the left "base" of Foundry and the other will be in the opposite corner. Here's what I have of the Attacker's Base so far: Here's one view of the structure running across the center of the map: And another view. I will reinforce those fence block-offs in due time... don't fret. Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. UPDATED PICTURES (Yes, that's a truck) The map is now ready to be tested. Msg me over XBL if you would like to help test.
Looks pretty cool keep working on it. I really like it so far. Make the wall of fence boxes taller though. And put some more of the structures.... they look awesome! =D
looks pretty sweet as of yet . the angular theme you've got going looks like it would really make for some nice gameplay. the portion with the b sign in the back looks like it might be a challenge to make playable, but i look foreward to see how the final version looks. i cant wait to see it!!!
All teh c0ol kidz are forgin on S4ndbox!!!1!1! Looks nice though, the attacker's base looks nasty. And guessing from some of the comments so far, everyone has just looked at the pictures and then posted something dumb. Read his whole post guys, he's still working on it.
Hmmm, no offense meant, But in picture 2, the wall ramp isn't geo/interlocked all that well, it would create a bump or hinder the use of said ramp, But you've probably already noticed that, I do like the large structure in the middle though. Reminds me of the New Mombasa Tunnels., now what would be cool, and fun to play, is if you could use the middle structure as playable area. As in those little bridges you see over an highway, strictly meant for walking, You could possibly make the middle pillar of said structure, an entrace or whatever to the structure. Also, The middle pillar, should be a Y, as in there is another structure going in a certain direction, one that mirrors the other one, to create a Y, its just a though, though it might take some work.
How can you say it looks a bit open when the map isnt finished yet? Ireally like the thing you did with arched boxes and the stairs that looks really cool. And it looks as though the spot made out of bridges id the attackers spawn. If not it still looks really cool. Nice job.
Boy Ace do you know how to attract attention to your maps before they release or what? I heard you talking about being in the process of completing an MLG map, and never had I expected it to be on Foundry for one thing, but I really never expected it to be this close to being finished! And it's got a name to! Amazing geomerging Ace... And wait, what? Is this even the MLG map you were talking about?
Nah, that MLG map is in the skybubble and is kind of on a standstill because of the stupid wall glitch. It's like the sixth or seventh letter of the Greek alphabet.
i like what i see so far, and you didn't give to much away so you keep us wondering.... Yea keep it up, its nice to see foundry was not forgotten or replaced by sandbox.
Yeah, it is amazing Geomerging, lol. Especially the wall that nobody can see in these pics, that is the most pro Geomerge of them all.
Please rename this. There are SO many maps with one-worded complicated names. Think of something good. Not just a word that sounds cool. Question: Why Foundry?
Is it this one..? http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1449/hiddenwall.jpg Good preview. I look forward to seeing the whole map finished.
I searched this entire website for "epsilon" and nothing came up but one mispelled map from almost a year ago. Don't tell me to rename my map. Would a good alternative be: Awesome Foundry Map? That's the kind of name you're telling me to name it. Why Foundry? Read the OP instead of just looking at pictures. Yes, it is that one... it took me and Chaotic at least an hour. HUGE pain in the ass.
I think Awesome Foundry Map would be about the best name ever. Anyway i can't wait to see this finished.
Really? Not to sound superior or anything, but you can, with some minor difficulty, tear drop merge that with a guest.
No, you clearly misread my post. I didnt say people always take the name Epsilon. I said people always take names LIKE Epsilon. (Requiem, Harmony, Ephasus, Antiquity, Recalcitrance, Aperture, Archaic, etc). Nobody knows what they mean! And you didn't explain why you wanted Foundry you just said. Im nostalgic.