I'll just keep the name simple Maps have been downloaded & will be judged tonight or tomorrow. Downloaded & will be judged tonight/tomorrow.
Oh hey, I have a one film clip that may be good, wish I had more but I've only gotten one game in on v3. Anyway here's the clip Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Also can I request a song? Really wanna see this song in it or anything from System of a Down.YouTube - Dethklok - Hatredcopter music video But it's cool if you cant or dont want to.
I suggest: Fake it by Seether ( 4th choice ) Broken by Seether ( 2nd choice ) Ten thousand fists by Disturbed ( 3rd choice) Indestructable by Disturbed ( 1st Choice ) Those are my favorite songs that I think would go well with the map
Well its not mainstream I guess haha. It's cool if you don't want to but like I said System of a Down is good too. I just don't want stuff like "Let It Rock." No offence just not my taste at all.
I was wondering if you could make me a montage for archaic, we are working on a v2 and it is going to be done soon, within the next week. Just letting you know incase I can secure a spot. It plays team king, oddball, and slayer. We might try to set it up for another game type. We also might make a forgehub version with a non MLG weapon set. Just let me know if it would be possible to do this, if so we can arrange something. I would like to be part of the video so I would play with you and I'm sure hezbollahector would to. GT: goatnutts420
Could you please make a montage for Affliction? It's a BTB map based on the ground floor of Sandbox that plays best with asymmetrical games in groups of 8-12 players. Assault, Capture The Flag, and all Slayer games work best with it. But it plays well with every gametype. Thanks dude, also if this gets accepted could you also try and include YouTube - Linkin Park Faint Official Music Video & W/Lyrics (HQ) in the montage. Thanks!
Hey man, I have a map that I'd love to get montaged. It's calledSolar Plexus and I think it's pretty unique. Please check it out here- http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/73306-solar-plexus.html#post895015 DL Link- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=83642063 GT- cartoonwolf Also, if it does get choosen, may I choose the music?
As I said before, you have a choice on the music, but if it's not possible for me to edit with it, i'll choose a different song, but I will run it by the creator first.
Due to the map which I had chosen to be montag'd being made into a v2, I'm back to judging. If your map gets chosen, I will keep you updated on everything.
Can you montage my new map please, Guardos. It supports up to 6 people FFA and 5v5 in team games. Reccommended players are 3v3 or 2v2 and 4 player FFAs. Supported gametypes are: Slayer, Team Slayer, Crazy King, Team King, Oddball, Team Ball and VIP. Map thread Bungie Link