THIS TRACK WAS MADE BY: Apocalypse2695 not me newest skytrack with banked waves, rolling hills and a cliffhanging drop off. After 45 hours of work, this massive main level track takes 40 seconds to ride and plays well with Battle Lasers or Battle Snipes. The track also goes into the dark dunes and has a geomerged cliffhanging destination drop off. Please download VIDEO OF REPULSION YouTube - Halo 3: Racetrack: Repulsion DOWNLOAD REPULSION HERE: : Halo 3 File Details
If it wasn't made by you.. Why post it? Plus this has already been posted, or so I believe it is.. This post also isn't up to forgehub standards, as you need a small description, and have EMBEDDED PICTURES.. (ATLEAST 1!) If this has already been posted, then ask a mod to lock/delete the topic. EDIT: This map has been posted in more detail, and is on the 2nd page at the moment.. Why repost it?
You're not allowed to post someone else's map. Especially since I don't think that person gave you permission. Other than that, it looks like he made a nice, smoothly interlocked map. Not much else to say.....4/5 You don't need a picture if you have a video and I don't think you HAVE to have a description.
It was made by iTz Flair and Apocalypse2695.Please dont be lazy and go make a map like this and post it and it shall be a good one I hope.Nice try -)
Locked. Someone elses map, already posted. No infraction for stealing because you didn't claim to steal it, but just know that you're only to post your own others.