Sandbox Round-A-Bout

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by geranamo, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. i Eat Bullets 4 dinner

    Senior Member

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    I once made a map like this but it was terrible.

    PROS: This map looks super smooth and well forged.

    CONS:If the zombie has a sniper it can take one shot to knock a person off a mongoose,Therefor you should add rails or make it so there is alot more cover so it makes the game a bit harder.

    All in all the map itself looks real good but if there is any money left i sugest making a V2
  2. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    I can tell just from the screenshots that a LOT of man hours was put into making this map. I like the concept and the course itself looks fun to drive on without a zombie shooting at you. Others are saying that the zombie can avoid the kill ball even with the gravity increase so maybe just put a small edge along the platform or something I dont know. Not to sound negative, I really do like this map and my friends and I are havin fun playing it. Kudos!
    P.S.- Is there any reward for killing the zombie other than just the satisfaction of being able to kill him?
    #22 VIBlackDragonIV, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  3. helzmessenger

    helzmessenger Ancient
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    this is a really fun map that is great to play and can provide hours of entertainment for a party. and the game realy doesnt need more cover as long as you have enough players. and it takes one WELL placed shot to knock a mongoose off. i highly recomend this map as well as any other map that is made by geranamo

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