Halo 3 map montages - Submit your maps now!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EliteMuffBadger, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Halo 3 map montages.
    Before we get started, let me explain what halo 3 map montages are.
    Halo 3 map montages are montages focused on gameplay from a single, user made map, which are made by myself, with clips from either: The team/group I get clips with, or the map maker himself/herself. We usually spend around 5+ hours getting clips, & having quite a good time in custom games. After enough clips are obtained, I begin recording them, editing them, & finally, publishing them to the web in a montage.

    So, you may ask, why should I get a map montage? Well, as opposed to a gameplay or screenshots, map montages are fast paced and enjoyable to the viewer, allowing them to see what can be done on your map, prompting them to download it. With a a map montage, the viewer does not see the entire map, only parts, and so, if he/she becomes interested by it, they want to see more, making them download your map.
    How to submit your map.
    You can submit your maps a number of ways. They are;
    Youtube private message me at: www.youtube.com/user/EliteMuffBadger
    Send me a message on bungie.net: EliteMuffGoose's profile
    Or, post here on the forgehub thread.
    What are the requirements for posting a map?
    The requirements are as follows:
    1. The map can not be a racetrack, or mini-game.
    2. If it is an infection map, it must play all types of infection gametypes (Unless it is impossible for it to, i.e. it can only play a custom gametype) which include: Brraaaaainss, save one bullet & alpha zombie.
    3. The map, unless specified, MUST support all slayer & objective gametypes (VIP is excluded)
    4. If it is a FFA map, that must be explained in your post.
    5. A link to the map must be given in your post (obviously), as well as your gamertag.
    6. You must explain what gametype it is made for, and if it is a custom gametype, you must post it with your map.
    7. Either: A screenshot, or a forgehub thread must be posted along with your map.

    Here are some guidelines to help your map being chosen to be montage'd:

    1. Good aesthetics.
    2. Interlocking where it is necessary.
    3. Good playability.
    4. Original ideas or structures.
    5. Geo-merging, where necessary.
    Q: How long does it take for a map montage to be made?
    A: It depends on the clips, but it should take 3-4 days.

    Q: Why are you doing this? Does it cost money?
    A: I am doing this because I enjoy helping people out, and no, it does not cost you a cent.

    Q: So I submitted my map & I haven't received a message telling me if it has been accepted yet, why is this?!
    A: This may be because I have not played it yet (every map receives 1 hour of gameplay time to judge it), or it may be because your map has not been accepted.

    Q: Why didn't you accept my map? Do you hate me!?
    A: If you map is not accepted, you will be given tips on what to improve on, & you can post a newer version a week after you have submitted your first map.

    Q: I made the map & have a lot of clips on it, can I submit clips to you for my map montage?
    A: Yes, anybody, including the map's creator can post clips for the map, but they can not be staged.

    Answer: A team of friends & myself spend around 5 hours gathering clips, more if needed.

    Q: I love you.
    A: That's not a question, but I love you too.
    Maps that have been montage'd:
    Exotica, by Andys Mongoose
    YouTube - .::Exotica::. A halo 3 map montage [HD]
    Current map being montag'd:

    Thank you.
    #1 EliteMuffBadger, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The post look horrible with all the "image resized" bars at the top. Resize them in photobucket so they look better.
  3. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Will do.
  4. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I would submit a map but the infection rule is stupid... Why does it have to be for all standard infection gametypes, because no one plays save one bullet or normal infection in custom games and most infection maps use custom gametypes.

    EDIT: Fat Kid sucks... SO does brains.
    #4 HLG FlashPoint, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  5. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The reason for that is, playing 1 gametype for 5+ hours to get clips does get quite boring. If you do have a map which can only support one gametype, i'll have a look at it & if it is original, it may be accepted.
  6. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Okay the map i want to get is an ODST Firefight game. I know its not really original but I haven't seen any others made so i think rik and mine's (grammer?) map is one of the first. If i can i will post it when u reply.
  7. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, you can post it.
  8. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So i just need to message you with a link to the map post and gametype?
  9. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Forgot to add- Post it on this thread. OP has been edited to include that.
  10. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Most of my maps are custom gametype maps, but if you want to make any acceptions I would really appreciate a montage. Tank Run, SkyRide and Hog the Hill would make for some really great game footage (better than bungie's default gametypes anyway...)
  11. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Do i need to supply clips are will you? I know it says I can supply but if I don't will you make them?
  12. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You may have misunderstood my original post. "Custom gametypes must be posted with the map". It's custom infection gametypes which are a little bit iffy.

    A team of friends & myself spend around 5 hours gathering clips, more if needed.
  13. EmoStreet

    EmoStreet Ancient
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    First I like the montage but it lacks really good gametypes you were playing Fiesta that ok when it's a fiesta montage but not when it a real montage try playing mlg, swat, Oddball sayer, team slayer king of the hill, team snipers everything else in the montage was brillant but try different game types.

    Second i don't have a map but i will suggest you with some
    best played with team slayer and multiflag
    Best played with Slayer and team slayer its like Guardian and Blackout

    Senior Member

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    Just another contest with a mountain of text to hide a promotion of the O.P.'s latest map. From someone who works in the sales industry, you should spend more time with you pitch and less on the Bulls**t
    #15 VANILLA GORILLA, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  15. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    You should rename your montage series.
  16. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Honestly, i'm doing this to help other people out, don't be so pessimistic. Also, no need for the language.

    Yeah, we actually only played around 3 fiesta games, but they seemed to be the ones where we got the most clips.
    #17 EliteMuffBadger, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  17. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A cool name could be "EliteMuff Map Montages"
  18. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is this post right?

    Forgehub thread link: Compromised (Transition)

    Map links Compromised
    Transistion - infected

    This map is recommended for 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4. 5v5 and up might get a little crowded.
    This map works well with Multi-Flag CTF (recommended 5 flag caps and short return time) , Assualt, Team Slayer, King of the Hill, and the alternate map is made for Infection. These are all the types this map has been made for
    . I can fix that if necessary though. ;)

    let me know if this is up to standards
  19. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Could you montage my map, The Dojo v3? It's my final version of The Dojo, asymmetric, FFA based, and the design was inspired by Gaurdian. Here's a link to v2 if it helps.


    2 important things.
    1. Doesn't work for Assault, VIP, Territories or Infection. Due to the item limit, I had to delete objectives and starting points. However this is a FFA based map and works best for SLAYER, KoTH, and Oddball. Does work for team play though. (3v3 or 4v4 at the most)
    2. I have not posted it yet. However it is in my file share. The Dojo v3.

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