Hello Everybody. The name is Nick I'm 18. Hailing from the suburbs of Philly. Been playing Halo for a while but never really got into forging to much. Every time I've tried i get and idea and give up on it before my map is even half done. I decided i want to get back into it and maybe actually finish a map and i figured that with all the advice and experience available here on FH i might not get as frustrated. Outside of Halo I like to play Fallout 3, Fifa (09), NHL (09), and also liked the Orange Box. When I decide to put down the Controller it usually either because I have to go to work or it's because I'm playing hockey. That's pretty much everything about me that is of any importance even though it's probably more than anyone would care to know.
Hey, being a noob is nothin to be ashamed of, we were all one at some point! Anyway welcome to Forgehub, I hope you have a good time here. Make sure you check out the rules before you start posting, and as long as you abide by them, you're in good shape. If you have any questions, feel free to VM myself or anybody else. Enjoy!
Thanks for the warm welcoming. I do have one [Two part] question about the rules; they state that in order to post a map you must include a description and at least one picture. What if I have a map that is not complete yet and I am looking for advice can i just include pictures of what i have so far, or if its a map that has not made its way into forge but it is just a concept would a sketch or 3d model be acceptable? And update the post as the map is forged?
What you'd have to do is go into the halo forge disscusion, post your pictures, ask for help on what you should do..