Forger's Block

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Paragon Fury, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
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    So, I'm in a bit of a rut here.

    I've got three unfinished maps just sitting here, and I've got Forger's Block. I just cannot think of any way to finish one, and the other two I'm lost as to how to keep going. No matter what I've tried, I can't get someone that seems right, and I can't get the creative juices flowing again.

    What do you do to get rid of Forger's Block? The only thing I could think of was to have someone come in and take look at your map, but there has to be other ways, right?

    Though a hand would be nice, how do you deal with it when the creative juices stop flowing?
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I usually have everything design in advance, I don't do the whole 'do it as it goes' thing.

    But generally if I get Forger's Block in my design I just leave it there. I've scrapped hundreds of ideas, not a huge deal if it doesn't work out in the end. If I throw something random in, it won't be as good as it could've been.
  3. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    yea that is what i try to do... and sometime i also just doodle. sounds silly i know but it is true. I doodle in a sketch book wheather at work or school i doodle ideas for maps.

    Then i go home and try to build it in forge, anyway possible. But it also depends alot if your right or left brained for this strategy to work. FORGE is a PUZZLE, but you have no picture to go off of. Nothing and it takes a special type of person to forge. a very creative person.

    I see forge as a challenge a mechanical being that has to be bended to my will. And when its complete i turn on my other side and use my artistic talents to detail my map.

    For a suggestion just try to take a real life structure that you like or something from architecture you admire and try to recreate it. If you need a middle piece for example go to other games and look. A great way is to admire other people maps and try to replicate (using your own ideas) ideas that mimic or change your map. And for the love of god just keep forging. Yes i get the same way as you some times. Im sitting on 2 maps that are close to being done but i just don't want to finish them. Instead i remade longest (longevity, check the sig). But that was parcial to a contest.

    Im sorry if i couldn't help. but a solid word of adivce is, look at others work and make yourself better. Get ideas, from halo, from other games, even from real life.
    #3 Col Keller, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009

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