Deviant is a racetrack I made on Sandbox's skybubble. Since i'm not sure how to describe my map, ill show you a video of it. YouTube - Halo 3 - Deviant Download, Deviant
This looks very nice. The video makes it look hard, yet fun to play. I would complain about no banked turns, but you managed to do quite well without having to make them! It's aesthetics are horrible and random. Stacked columns, stacked Y tubes, and random Tin Cups aren't really any form of pleaing eye candy. Perhaps you could make a monument? Anyway, nice job on the track. Reminds me slightly of Mario Kart... EDIT:
I agree that the aesthetics in the map are pretty poor, but the gameplay definitely looks really fun but challenging at the same time. Downloading now to play with my friends.
Yeah, I didnt work so hard on the aesthetics. I mainly just focused on the racetrack itself and not how it looks. :/
Hahaha... Omg. My friends would hate this map. They are the worst drivers in the world!!! Preferably, I like race trackes that are wide enough for passing. It makes the race more fun and exciting when you aare neck and neck with yor friend. Wheel on wheel pushing each other into the corners. Your map is so thin that i doubt any of them would finish a lap. Um things to inprove on you map is for starters... interlock. Just a thing that makes the game smoother and it looks pretty so ya. Um i would make the track wider so that you can have some good quality racing. But you map as a one person track and you can battle it out for the fastest time like mario carts... thats fun to. Overall, this maps looks ok. Nothing special but its not like a terrible map. Nice job...
I was thinking the exact same thing, this looks like an impossible jump unless you took the picture before putting some more road... Anyway, I'm not going to DL b/c it doesn't have any asthetics that have a meaning and look good. And it doesn't look very good b/c of not having any banked turns or drops EDIT: I watched the video and it appears you have pallets there, maybe put that in the pic or mention that..,
Racetrack? No. Mongoose rollercoaster? Yes. Sorry, but racing maps are meant for racing, not for trying to finish the course without dying. Please look at the name of the forum before posting.
Okay, the second half of this post is spam, if YOU will take a look at the racing forum description, you will see that the racing section can be used to post multiple types of racing maps, including maps like this, Please look at the name of the forum before posting.
Looks quite nice, and like some others said it looks more like a rollercoster map. Looks pretty fun and i will have to give it a download. Also like others said, esthetics could use some work but either way good job.
Lol at the failed attempt at defending someone who put their post in the wrong section. There are no sections that allow for posting of maps like this, he just posted in the one that was closest. I checked the description before posting for the precise reason of making you look stupid. Please tell me where in this quote that it says "Rollercoasters": Case closed. Please look at the name and description of the forum before posting.