Alrighty, so I need a new shot for a slot in my share, and I just can't make up my mind. So, help would be nice. =) Let me know which one, if any, you like best. Pinstripe No-name No-name No-name
damnit leeumm. Im in a screenshot slump and cant keep up with you anymore. We should take shots together. Add me. GT: dcxneutralized BTW The first is beast, usaly i say effects liek that are unorignal, but ive never seen a pin-striped one..
Definitly the first one! You gotta tell me how you did that one! =) Great job yet again. Keep it up!!
The first one looks pretty cool. How did you do it? The second one is my personal favorite though, the colors + lighting are simply amazing.
I like the first one it fades in to pinstripe then fades out.How the heck did you do that?I think you should pick that one it is the best as for the rest are a little overdone for you in my opinion but they all look nice but please go with the first one it looks so unique.
First is the best, last in second best. Dont see much people making screenshots like pinstripe. 3rd and 4th arent as good though as the lighting and angle seems a bit off.
Haven't seen pictures from you in a while but then again haven't seen any from me either I was tied between the first too but my decision has to go to Pinstripe. I think it's a great screenshot and I love the spartans stance and the effect. The reason why I didn't choose the 2nd one was because the explosion isn't covering the whole background. Good Job on the screenshots.
Use the first shot. It's the most unique. The second shot is just an overdone effect, and the third one, though it's kind of cool, isn't really amazing for more than 5 seconds. And I've seen you do ones that are similar to the last one. I pick Pinstripe.
The first no-name is the best IMO, it is really nice, the ligthning and everything, but I don't know if it looks the same on a TV.