ehh.. I don't like it. Your other wallpapers are much much better. It looks like bunch of transformers renders put behind an earth render like paper cutouts or something. The lighting is weird and the wallpaper itself seems a little LQ.
Yeah the earth image i used was a little blurry. I did a lot more than just slap on some renders, but i guess it doesn't show lol.
I know you probably did more work like you always do, I am not criticizes that you didn't put any effort. It just seems that way to me.
Looks like a good layout for the wall paper, in my opinion you just need to sharpen the renders a tad, and make the earth have better quality .
Yeah i'm currently doing that, i'm also adding some lighting/coloring to make it look more organic and flow nicer.
SOme Yellows, Blues, Oranges. Mainly the colors Bay used in the film. I'm just having a hard time finding a really hq image of the earth.
Here: You will have to resize it of course, but you can sharpen it to amazing quality.
lol thats the one i used, v2 added Also, to anyone looking at the wallpaper, make sure you view full size, otherwise it looks a tad bit more lq.
Actually the second one looks really good. Maybe get rid or tone down the blue lighting on IronHides (?) face. It kind of looks odd, but I realize it appears on the left side two between bumblebee and optimus. Otherwise, there's nothing I could really tell you to fix.
Can you add a little glow or a lighting source behind the autobots? I want to see what it looks like.
Something is wrong with Bumblebee. I don't know, he just looks less detailed than the other two. Are you sure that renders is from the movie?