MOAR info on the hidden maps, for the front page image titles. The first post for this was in THIS thread. There was a love for a masterpiece that had a cold dark secret behind it. If the mods, admins, and journalists are keeping something from us, the community, the LIFE of the hub, we have the right to poop all over the conspiracy and rant the crap out of it. Hopefully... EDIT: There's something they're definitely keeping from us. Now they use these maps for EVERY site update. COMMUNITY INVESTIGATIONS If you have any information, post it in this thread or PM me, and I'll put it in this area I almost shat myself when I saw this. Graverobbers EPICZORZ findings. daniz3pic Forgegod117
You forgot the the remake contest's banner. I posted: TSB denied it saying in the LOLBOX, 'false rumors are false'. So, who knows?
Probably just overthinking it. 'Tis probably just a random map and they're finally making corresponding banners.
Agreed, everyone says it looks 'beautiful' 'awesome' but it could be a **** map, for all we know, its just a slit wall with some photoshop. I remember seeing this too. It's a forging group I think. You have to be a member to view its content however, so we don't know at all. The group picture is a halo 2 guide map of colossus.
Actually, that was me defending Marilyn Manson to some kid saying he removed his ribs for oral pleasuring.
The last 2 pictures are not the same as the top 2. The top 2 pictures are in the sky bubble while the last picture is in the crypt and the other one I think is on the main floor (due to the lighting).
Yeah the maps are definitely on different levels of Sandbox... unless the staff finally found a way to make good gameplay while using multiple levels of Sandbox...
Doubt it. I've only seen one map that did it well. It think it was and End Of The World, or Heaven or Hell sort of thing. It had a middle layer that had lots of ruins. I'd like to see it again someday... *snif*