
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Atheos23, Apr 2, 2008.


Does having a storyline help map appeal?

  1. Absolutely!

  2. Yes

  3. No

  1. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    ::The following module, adapted by ONI at FLEETCOM and based upon Spartan 117’s debriefing following the events of Cote D’Azur, is intended to restructure your basal reaction interfaces in response to recently discovered behavioral anomalies in Covenant ground forces.

    ::Prior to the Covenant glassing of Reach, Spartan 117 and the Iroquois’ ship-borne AI Somerset worked under the direction of ONI’s Section 0 to develop this training construct. Parameters were extracted and compiled from VIRT-MEM data contained in S117’s assisted memory cortex following the engagement of Covenant ground forces on Cote D’Azur

    ::It has been recognized that certain Forerunner structures provide Covenant Infantry a “transcendent advantage” during combat. S117 has confirmed that even singular Unggoy have been able to attain immeasurable levels of strength, aggression, and kinetics as well as psychokinetic abilities never before observed, noting that he has personally been witness to one of the creatures closing with and engaging two squads of veteran ODST and himself.

    ::Battle Damage banks report 743 M634 9.5x40mm X-HP-SAP rounds fired with 9% recorded hit margin and 1,422 7.72 mm MA5B Assault Rifle rounds fired with a mere 1.7% hit margin resulting in 9 ODST KIA:1 Enemy KIA. Graphical battle recorders show significant structural damage to the Unggoy failed to neutralize the creature.

    ::S117’s sub-neural processors trailed the creature’s movement patterns by an average of 450ms. Thes reaction times are notably faster than current MJOLNIR technology. The creature seemed to invoke an energy source from the surrounding structural bulkheads and focus the yet unidentified energy into measurable psychokinetic force. This anomaly is made most interesting in that the creature was able to do all of this without physical use of weapons platforms or equipment of any kind (i.e. unarmed).

    ::That S117 was even able to report this information is due to the creature’s apparent biological inability to house and control the energy. Advanced molecular decay led to the breakdown of the creature’s biological structure at rapid rates resulting in its death. Luckily, S117 was able to regress long enough for this process to conclude.

    ::The following VIRT-Load uses viral nano-restructuring and learned pattern adaptation bioware to alter your subconscious interface.

    ::This process has never before been performed successfully. Your calculated survivability is 11%.

    ::Should you survive the VIRT-Load, you will be ready to access training area Anomaly.

    ::Anomaly is modeled from S117’s graphical battle recorder. While current UNSC technology can not imitate the unique properties or materials of this Forerunner structure, it is possible to recreate the geometry and other physics of the environment. Little more is known of this structure. What we do know is this:
    • Structure is ceremonial in nature.
      Structure has notable ambient energy feedback.
      Structure contains partially decoded star map in the form of relative geometric placement.
      Structure is comprised of every catalogued organic compound known to man; many that are not.
      Structure has exhibited non-temporal characteristics.
      Structure predates previously discovered Forerunner artifacts.
    ::We have done what we can to imitate this environment, but as S117 has noted; “It looks pretty, but it doesn’t smell the same.”














    This map is intended to be played: 1v1,2v2,3v3; best: 2v2

    Custom powerup characteristics:
    • 150% speed
      -5% Shield Decay (see storyline)
      10% Shield leech (promote aggression)
      Enahnce Tracking
      Force Color=White
    ...and yes...the teleporters do look like they are on blue they do not lead anywhere...yes there are extra items outside the map so you can change it if you want to since it uses the glitch...
    #1 Atheos23, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2008
    Nemihara likes this.
  2. Zoy

    Zoy Ancient
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    Looks great at first glance. Very carefully placed geometry, and it's a nice touch to have an elaborately designed back story.
  3. discopete019

    discopete019 Ancient
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    why can't i vote on polls?
  4. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    I wouldn't be the person to help you. Ask admin. I know the site is still in transformation so patience may pay off. Just out of curiosity, what would your answer have been?

    Also, a few pics may not be showing currently...this is an ImageShack issue as I have linked correctly.
    #4 Atheos23, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  5. General Meaty

    General Meaty Ancient
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    wow, interlocking on this map was simply amazing, well done.
  6. Defiler47

    Defiler47 Ancient
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    OMG! looks amazing. DL'ing right now.
    Going to get on my 360 just to try it!!!
  7. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Wow, this looks amazing. I must say though, the back story is sort of corny. (It is well-written though! :p)
  8. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Looks very clean and cool. Cant wait to play it
  9. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    I'll take corny. It's better than throwing some dull description out there. "And in this corner I put two fusion cores, and over here is a box with a weapon on it."

    A little reading never hurt anyone.
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I think having a back story certainly helps sell the map, but it has nothing to do with the quality of the map itself.
  11. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    It's still shows you have dedication for your map

    (even if you wrote a whole book >.>)
  12. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Holy mother of wall-of-text-backstories!!! Map looks sick though. Love the pillars and the fact that it has and "Aliens" feel to it. You have my download.
  13. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Yeah, storyline is a little involved but someone here will appreciate it...someone...someday...

  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I liked the backstory. A little long for the fish-like attention span of some, but it's cool to have a storyline that is apparently the basis of the map. What would have been stellar is if you were to make a vid similar to the ones in H3 when going for the Marathon Man achievement. But still, you did more than I probably would. Nice job, sir.

    Now, on to the map. It looks really sweet. You've got a knack for building small-scale, well made maps. I haven't even had a chance to play a game on Vortex yet, and you put out another great-looking one. I'll let you know what I think of it later.

    BTW-I saw in the shoutbox the other day that you were looking to get my assistance on gametype placement. Were you referring to this or your other ones?

    EDIT: Linky no worky. :-(
    #14 squidhands, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  15. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Squidhands: Yes I was speaking of this map. Vortex is in the past! I didn't like it very much even though it was a decent arena map.

    I agree it is long winded but the meat of the story isn't really in the black areas...those are simple nerdiness.

    Also, the Vitruvian logo on your graphic...I own a fitness company that uses the Vitruvian Man as our trademark and that graphic is exactly what I would like. Did you make it?
    #15 Atheos23, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  16. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Vortex has potential to be a really interesting map, and I'll leave it at that.

    To answer your question, no I didn't make the logo. I had made something very similar and then the file got corrupted before I was able to finish it(I cried a little). I did a google search later and found almost the exact thing I was going for. Yay interwebz!
  17. Composite Ghost

    Composite Ghost Ancient
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    The map looks very well done, and I like that it has a storyline, I'll give it a DL when I get the chance
  18. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    story lines are good, but this is way over the top. a good example of story lines are two - three paragraphs max, not a textwall of non human crap that makes my head hurt, after i saw that i didn't even want to read the rest of the like 10 pages. short and sweet. as far as the map, it looks pretty good i guess, i qued it so if i like it i'll post back.
  19. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I played this map. I can say it really reminds me of a forerunner structure. You did a good job aesthetically. But the gameplay is rather weak. It just doesn't turn out well. You shouldn't have a sentinel beam, and you definately shouldn't have a shotgun right below a hammer. The active camo respawns way too quickly. You should really proably greatly alter weapon placement and spawn times if this map is going to be playable. Other than that your map looks good and was well made as well as a good spawn system.
  20. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    TY Brute...I'm actually working on it now.

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